Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 56 Part 1.djvu/195

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56 STAT.] 77TH CONG., 2D SESS.-CH. 178-MAR . 10, 1942 ping twine and tying devices (not more than three-fourths of the funds herein appropriated for the purchase of twine shall be expended in the purchase of twine manufactured from materials or commodities produced outside the United States; for expenses incident to the shipment of supplies, including hardware, boxing, packing, and not exceeding $63,800 for the pay of employees in connection therewith in the District of Columbia; for rental, purchase, exchange, and repair of canceling machines and motors, mechanical mail-handling appa- ratus, accident prevention, and other labor-saving devices, including cost of power in rented buildings and miscellaneous expenses of instal- lation and operation of same, including not to exceed $35,000 for salaries of thirteen traveling mechanicians, and for traveling expenses, $3,700,000: Provided, That the Postmaster General may authorize the sale to the public of post-route maps and rural delivery maps or blue- prints at the cost of printing and 10 per centum thereof added. Equipment shops, Washington, District of Columbia: For the purchase, manufacture, and repair of mail bags and other mail con- tainers and attachments, mail locks, keys, chains, tools, machinery, and material necessary for same, and for incidental expenses per- taining thereto; material, machinery, and tools necessary for the manufacture and repair of such other equipment for the Postal Service as may be deemed expedient; accident prevention; for the expenses of maintenance and repair of the mail bag equipment shops building and equipment, including fuel, light, power, and miscel- laneous supplies and services; maintenance of grounds; for compen- sation to labor employed in the equipment shops and in the operation, care, maintenance, and protection of the equipment shops building, grounds, and equipment, $1,650,000, of which not to exceed $626,000 may be expended for personal services in the District of Columbia: Provided, That out of this appropriation the Postmaster General is authorized to use as much of the sum, not exceeding $15,000, as may be deemed necessary for the purchase of material and the manufac- ture in the equipment shops of such small quantities of distinctive equipments as may be required by other executive departments; and for service in Alaska, Puerto Rico, Philippine Islands, Hawaii, or other island possessions. Rent, light, fuel, and water: For rent, light, fuel, and water, for first-, second-, and third-class post offices, and the cost of advertising for lease proposals for such offices, $10,130,000. Pneumatic-tube service, New York City: For rental of not exceed- ing twenty-eight miles of pneumatic tubes, hire of labor, communi- cation service, electric power, and other expenses for transmission of mail in the city of New York including the Borough of Brooklyn, $540,628: Provided, That the provisions of the Acts of April 21, 1902, May 27 1908, and June 19, 1922 (39 U. S. C. 423), relating to con- tracts for the transmission of mail by pneumatic tubes or other similar devices shall not be applicable hereto. Pneumatic-tube service, Boston: For the rental of not exceeding two miles of pneumatic tubes, not including labor and power in operating the same, for the transmission of mail in the city of Boston, Massachusetts, $24,000: Provided, That the provisions not incon- sistent herewith of the Acts of April 21, 1902 (39 U. S . C. 423), and May 27, 1908 (39 U. S. C. 423), relating to the transmission of mail by pneumatic tubes or other similar devices shall be applicable hereto. Vehicle service: For vehicle service; the hire of vehicles; the rental of garage facilities; the purchase, exchange, maintenance, and repair of motor vehicles, including the repair of vehicles owned by, or under the control of, units of the National Guard and departments and agencies of the Federal Government where repairs are made necessary 167 Labor-saving de- vices. Proviso. Sale of maps. Proviso. Distinctive equip- ments. Proviso. 32 Stat. 114; 35 Stat. 412; 42 Stat. 661. Proviso. 32 Stat. 114; 35 Stat. 412.