Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 56 Part 1.djvu/204

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PUBLIC LAWS-CHS. 198, 199-MAR. 27, 1942 Limitation of pro- tection. Proviso. U. S . Maritime Commission. Area over which U.S. no longer in control. Losses sustained subsequent to De- cember 6, 1941. Increase of RFO lending authority. Post. pp . 326, 695, 697, 698 Ante, p. 175. March 27, 1942 [S. 220S) [Public Law 507] Second War Powers Act, 1942. 49 Stat. 547; 54 Stat. 922. Authority with re- spect to motorcarriers. 41 Stat. 476. 49U.S.C. 1(15). from time to time establish uniform rates for each type of property with respect to which such protection is made available, and, in order to establish a basis for such rates, such Corporation shall estimate the average risk of loss on all property of such type in the United States. Such protection shall be applicable only (1) to such property situated in the United States (including the several States and the District of Columbia), the Philippine Islands, the Canal Zone, the Territories and possessions of the United States, and in such other places as may be determined by the President to be under the dominion and control of the United States, (2) to such property in transit between any points located in any of the foregoing, and (3) to all bridges between the United States and Canada and between the United States and Mexico: Provided, That such protection shall not be applicable after the date determined by the Secretary of Commerce under this sub- section to property in transit upon which the United States Maritime Commission is authorized to provide marine war-risk insurance. The War Damage Corporation, with the approval of the Secretary of Commerce, may suspend, restrict, or otherwise limit such protection in any area to the extent that it may determine to be necessary or advisable in consideration of the loss of control over such area by the United States making it impossible or impracticable to provide such protection in such area. "(b) Subject to the authorizations and limitations prescribed in subsection (a), any loss or damage to any such property sustained subsequent to December 6, 1941, and prior to the date determined by the Secretary of Commerce under subsection (a), may be compensated by the War Damage Corporation without requiring a contract of insurance or the payment of premium or other charge, and such loss or damage may be adjusted as if a policy covering such property was in fact in force at the time of such loss or damage." SEC. 3 . The amount of notes, bonds, debentures, and other such obligations which the Reconstruction Finance Corporation is author- ized to issue and have outstanding at any one time under existing law is hereby increased, in addition to the increase authorized in section 2 of this Act, by $2,500,000,000. Approved, March 27, 1942. [CHAPTER 199] AN ACT To further expedite the prosecution of the war. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress as8embled, TITLE I-EMERGENCY POWERS OF THE INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION OVER MOTOR AND WATER CARRIERS SEC. 101. Section 204 of the Interstate Commerce Act, as amended (U. S . C., 1940 ed., title 49, sec. 304), is hereby amended by adding after subsection (d) thereof the following: "(e) The Commission shall have authority with respect to motor carriers, to be exercised under similar circumstances and procedure, equivalent to the authority it has with respect to other carriers under section 1 (15) of part I, and shall have authority, to the extent neces- sary to facilitate the prosecution of the war and not in contravention of State laws and regulations with respect to sizes and weights of motor vehicles, to make reasonable directions with respect to equip- [56 STAT. 176