Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 56 Part 1.djvu/209

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77TH CONG., 2D SESS.-CII. 199-MAR. 27, 1942 TITLE VI-POWER TO REQUISITION SEC. 601. The last paragraph of section 1 of the Act of October 16, 1941 (55 Stat. 742), entitled "An Act to authorize the President of the United States to requisition property required for the defense of the United States", is amended by deleting subdivision (3) thereof, so that the paragraph will read as follows: "Nothing contained in this Act shall be construed- " (1) to authorize the requisitioning or require the registration of any firearms possessed by an individual for his personal pro- tection or sport (and the possession of which is not prohibited or the registration of which is not required by existing law), "(2) to impair or infringe in any manner the right of any individual to keep and bear arms." SEC. 602. The second sentence of the first paragraph of section 1 of the Act of October 16, 1941 (55 Stat. 742), entitled "An Act to authorize the President of the United States to requisition property required for the defense of the United States", is amended by striking out the words "on the basis of the fair market value of the property at" and inserting in lieu thereof the words "as of"; and at the end of such sentence, before the period, inserting the words ", in accord- ance with the provision for just compensation in the fifth amendment to the Constitution of the United States", so that such sentence will read as follows: "The President shall determine the amount of the fair and just compensation to be paid for any property requisitioned and taken over pursuant to this Act and the fair value of any prop- erty returned under section 2 of this Act, but each such determination shall be made as of the time it is requisitioned or returned, as the case may be, in accordance with the provision for just compensation in the fifth amendment to the Constitution of the United States." TITLE VII-POLITICAL ACTIVITY SEC. 701. Subsection (a) of section 9 of the Act of August 2 1939 (53 Stat. 1148), entitled "An Act to prevent pernicious political activities", as amended, is hereby amended by adding in the second sentence after the word "thereof" the words "except a part-time officer or part-time employee without compensation or with nominal compensation serving in connection with the existing war effort, other than in any capacity relating to the procurement or manufac- ture of war material". TITLE VIII-PROTECTION OF WAR INDUSTRIES AND PROTECTION OF RESOURCES SUBJECT TO HAZARDS OF FOREST FIRES SEC. 801. The President is empowered to direct the Administrator of the Federal Security Agency to assign the manpower of the Civilian Conservation Corps to the extent necessary to protect the munitions, aircraft, and other war industries, municipal water supply, power and other utilities, and to protect resources subject to the hazards of forest fires. TITLE IX-FREE POSTAGE FOR SOLDIERS, SAILORS, AND MARINES SEC. 901. Any first-class letter mail matter admissible to the mails as ordinary mail matter which is sent by a member of the military or naval forces of the United States (including the United States Coast Requisitioning of property for national defense. 50U. S .C., Supp.I, app. § 721. Limitations. 50U. S. C., Snpp.I, app. § 721. Determination of amount of just com- pensation. 55 Stat. 742. 50 U. S. C., Supp. I, app. 722. 18U. .C.§61h. Post, p. 986. Assignment of CCC manpower. Post, p. 569. 181 56 STAT.]