Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 56 Part 1.djvu/247

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56 STAT.] 77TH CONG., 2D SESS.-CHS. 244, 246-APR. 20 , 28, 1942 ,cation of any wine other than papaya wine; (10) no brandy other than pineapple brandy may be used in the fortification of pineapple wine, and pineapple brandy may not be used for the fortification of any wine other than pineapple wine; (11) no brandy other than cantaloup brandy may be used in the fortification of cantaloup wine, and cantaloup brandy may not be used for the fortification of any -wine other than cantaloup wine; and (12)". (f) That section 2825 of the Internal Revenue Code is amended by inserting after the word "pawpaws", and before the word "per- simmons", where they first appear in such section, a comma and the words "papayas, cantaloups"; and by inserting after the words "pear wine", wherever they appear, a comma and the following: "pawpaw wine, papaya wine, pineapple wine, cantaloup wine"; and by insert- ing after the words "pear brandy" a comma and the following: "paw- paw brandy, papaya brandy, pineapple brandy, cantaloup brandy". (g) That section 3038 (a) of the Internal Revenue Code is amended by inserting after the words "pear wines" a comma and the follow- ing: "pawpaw wines, papaya wines, pineapple wines, cantaloup wines". (h) Clause (2) of section 5 (f) of the Federal Alcohol Adminis- tration Act (49 Stat. 984) is amended to read as follows: "(2) as will provide the consumer with adequate information as to the iden- tity and quality of the products advertised, the alcoholic content thereof (except the statements of, or statements likely to be consid- ered as statements of, alcoholic content of malt beverages and wines are prohibited), and the person responsible for the advertisement;". Approved, April 20, 1942. tCHAPTER 246] AN ACT Making appropriations for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1943, for civil functions administered by the War Department, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the following sums are appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not other- wise appropriated, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1943, for civil functions administered by the War Department, and for other pur- poses, namely: QUARTERMASTER CORPS CEMETERIAL EXPENSES For maintaining and improving national cemeteries, including fuel for and pay of superintendents and the superintendent at Mexico City, and other employees; purchase of grave sites; purchase of tools and materials; repair, maintenance, and operation of passenger- carrying motor vehicles; care and maintenance of the Arlington Memorial Amphitheater, chapel, and grounds in the Arlington National Cemetery, and that portion of Congressional Cemetery to which the United States has title and the graves of those buried therein, including Confederate graves, and including the burial site of Pushmataha, a Choctaw Indian chief; repair to roadways but not to more than a single approach road to any national cemetery con- structed under special Act of Congress; for headstones or markers for unmarked graves of soldiers, sailors, and marines under the Acts approved March 3, 1873 (24 U. S. C. 279), February 3, 1879 (24 U. S. C . 280), March 9, 1906 (34 Stat. 56), March 14, 1914 (38 Stat. 219 53 Stat. 316. 26 U. S.C. §282. 53 Stat. 353. 26 U. S. C. 3038 (a). Federal Alcohol Ad- ministration Act, amendment. 27U. S. C.§205() (2). Advertising. April 28, 1942 [H. R. 6736] [Public Law 527] War Department Civil Appropriation Act, 1943. Maintenance, etc. Headstones. 17 Stat. 545; 20 Stat. 281.