Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 56 Part 1.djvu/280

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 263-APR . 29, 1942 Contents. Nameand addresses. Status and nation- ality. Copies of certain documents. Nature of regis- trant's business. Information re- garding foreign prin- cipaL Data concerning em- ployment as agent. Nature and amount of payments. Statement of activ- ities. Names, etc., of con- tributors. Expenditures. copy shall not be a bar to prosecution under this Act. The registra- tion statement shall include the following, which shall be regarded as material for the purposes of this Act: "(1) Registrant's name, principal business address, and all other business addresses in the United States or elsewhere, and all residence addresses, if any; "(2) Status of the registrant; if an individual, nationality; if a partnership, name, residence addresses, and nationality of each partner and a true and complete copy of its articles of copartnership; if an association, corporation, organization, or any other combination of individuals, the name, residence addresses, and nationality of each director and officer and of each person performing the functions of a director or officer and a true and complete copy of its charter, articles of incorporation, association, constitution, and bylaws, and amendments thereto; a copy of every other instrument or document and a statement of the terms and conditions of every oral agreement relating to its organization, powers, and purposes; and a statement of its ownership and control; "(3) A comprehensive statement of the nature of registrant's business; a complete list of registrant's employees and a statement of the nature of the work of each, unless, and to the extent, this requirement is waived in writing by the Attorney General; the name and address of every foreign principal for whom the reg- istrant is acting, assuming or purporting to act or has agreed to act; the character of the business or other activities of every such foreign principal, and, if any such foreign principal be other than a natural person, a statement of the ownership and control of each; and the extent, if any, to which each such foreign principal is supervised, directed, owned, controlled, financed, or subsidized, in whole or in part, by any government of a foreign country or foreign political party; "(4) Copies of each written agreement and the terms and con- ditions of each oral agreement, including all modifications of such agreements, or, where no contract exists, a full statement of all the circumstances2 by reason of which the registrant is an agent of a foreign principal; a comprehensive statement of the nature and method of performance of each such contract, and of the existing and proposed activity or activities engaged in or to be engaged in by the registrant as agent of a foreign principal for each such foreign principal; "(5) The nature and amount of contributions, income, money, or thing of value, if any, that the registrant has received within the preceding sixty days from each such foreign principal, either as compensation or for disbursement or otherwise, and the form and time of each such payment and from whom received; "(6) A detailed statement of every activity which the regis- trant is performing or is assuming or purporting or has agreed to perform for himself or any other person other than a foreign principal and which requires his registration hereunder; "(7) The name, business, and residence addresses, and, if an individual, the nationality, of any person who has within the preceding sixty days contributed or paid money or anything of value to the registrant in connection with any of the activities referred to in clause (6) of this section 2 (a) and the amount or value of the same; "(8) A detailed statement of the money and other things of value spent or disposed of by the registrant during the preceding sixty days in furtherance of or in any way in connection with [56 STAT. 252