Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 56 Part 1.djvu/291

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77TH CONG. , 2D SESS.-CH. 265-APR. 29, 1942 such teachers, custodial, and other employees of the United States, the District of Columbia, and the Board of Education, upon approval by the present employer, as may be necessary to keep in operation and to conduct therein appropriate phases of the recreation program authorized by this Act. The respective facilities of the United States, the District of Columbia, and the Board of Education shall, by the agreement of the respective agencies of the Government having control of such facilities, be made available to the Board under the terms of this Act. The Superintendent is authorized to employ for a ninety-day period as full- or part-time employees, such referees, umpires, swim- ming-pool guards and attendants, gymnasium and playground super- visors, and other similar special employees as may be necessary to carry out the recreation program authorized by this Act, at rates of pay to be fixed by the Board without reference to the Classification Act of 1923, as amended, and without reference to Civil Service requirements, and without regard to the prohibition against double salaries provided by section 1763, Revised Statutes (U. S . C. Anno- tated, title 5, sec. 58): Provided, That the retention in the District service of any such employees for a period longer than ninety days shall be subject to the approval of the Board. The Board is authorized to accept upon recommendation of the Superintendent the gratis services of such persons as may volunteer to aid in the conduct of any of its activities. SEC. 3 . The Board shall have power and authority to adopt, con- duct, direct, or cause to be conducted or directed, under its super- vision, a comprehensive program of public recreation which shall include the operation and direction of games, sports, arts and crafts, hobby shops, music, drama, speech, nursery play, dancing, lectures, forum for informal discussion, and such other physical, social, men- tal, and creative opportunities for leisure-time participation as the Board shall deem advisable to offer in major recreation centers, play- fields, athletic fields, playgrounds, tennis courts, baseball diamonds, swimming pools, beaches, golf courses, community centers, and social centers in schools, parks, or other publicly owned buildings, as well as other recreational facilities which may be agreed upon between the Board and the agencies having jurisdiction over such facilities. The public properties utilized by the Board for the above plurposes shall include those designated by the National Capital Park and Planning Commission, in accordance with a comprehensive plan, as suitable and desirable units of the District of Columbia recreation system. Nothing in this Act contained shall be construed as affecting any rights under any existing lease or leases lawfully entered into by any agency mentioned or affected by this Act, nor shall anything in this Act contained be construed as affecting the right of any such agency in the future lawfully to enter into leases of land or premises under its control for recreational purposes. SEC. 4. The Board is hereby authorized to create a trust fund similar to that now operated by the Community Center and Play- grounds Department in which shall be deposited all fees and receipts from those activities which the Board may deem it advisable to con- duct on a fee basis or any other basis, the moneys in such trust fund to be available to the Board to defray in whole or in part the expense of conducting its activities, the fund to be audited quarterly by the auditor of the District of Columbia. SEC. 5. The Board shall prepare and submit to the Commissioners of the District of Columbia an annual budget itemizing the appro- priations necessary for the performance of its functions and duties Availability of other facilities. Temporary special employees. 42 Stat. 1488. 5 U.S. C.§§661-674; Supp. I, ch. 13 . Post, p. 733. Proviso. Volunteer services. Comprehensive pro- gram of public recrea- tion. I'tilization of public properties. Rights under leases. Trust fund. Post, p. 437. Submission of an- nual budget. 263 56 STAT.]