Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 56 Part 1.djvu/298

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PUBLIC LAWS-CHS. 283 , 287, 288 -MAY 4, 5 , 1942 [56 STAT. Consent and ap- SEC. 2 . Without further submission of said compact, the consent provalof ongress. and approval of Congress is hereby given to the States of Connecti- cut, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida, and for the purpose of the better utilization of their anadromous fisheries, to the States of Vermont and Pennsylvania, to enter into said com- pact as signatory States and as parties thereto, in addition to the States which have now ratified the compact. Report to Congress. SEC. 3. The Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission con- stituted by the compact shall make an annual report to Congress not later than sixty days after the beginning of each regular session thereof. Such report shall set forth the activities of the Commission during the calendar year ending immediately prior to the beginning of such session. Right reserved. SEC. 4 . The right to alter, amend, or repeal the provisions of sec- tions 1, 2 and 3 is hereby expressly reserved. Approved, May 4, 1942. [CHAPTER 287] AN ACT To ratify and confirm act 20 of the Special Session Laws of Hawaii, 1941, extend- ing the time within which revenue bonds may be issued and delivered under act 174 of the Session Laws of Hawaii, 1935. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Hawaii. United States of America in Congress assembled, That act 20 of the Rlatingtoissuanfc of Special Session Laws of Hawaii, 1941, amending section 17 of act 174 onds. of the Session Laws of Hawaii, 1935, as amended, so as to extend the time within which revenue bonds may be issued and delivered under said act 174, is hereby ratified and confirmed and revenue bonds may be issued under and pursuant to the provisions of said act 174 of the Session Laws of Hawaii, 1935, as amended and as further amended by said act 20, without the approval of the President of the United States and without the incurring of an indebtedness within the mean- 31StaS.150. ing of the Hawaiian Organic Act, and said act 174, as amended, shall constitute full authority for the issuance of said bonds without ref- erence to and independent of the Hawaiian Organic Act. Approved, May 5, 1942. [CHIAPTER 288] May 6, 1942 [H. R. 61661 [Public Law 5411 Hawaii. Approval of act re- lating to farm loans. AN ACT To approve Act Numbered 70 of the Special Session Laws of Hawaii, 1941, re- ducing the rate of interest on loans and providing for the reamortization of indebtedness to the Farm Loan Board. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That Act Num- bered 70 of the Special Session Laws of Hawaii, 1941, entitled "An Act to amend chapter 253 of the Revised Laws of Hawaii, 1935, relating to farm loans, by amending section 7763 thereof and adding thereto three new sections to be numbered 7764-A, 7764-B, and 7764-C, respectively, reducing the rate of interest on loans and pro- viding for the reamortization of indebtedness to the Farm Loan Board", is hereby approved. Approved, May 5, 1942. May 5, 1942 [H. R . 5962] [Public Law 540] n b 270