Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 56 Part 1.djvu/309

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56 STAT.] 77TH CONG. , 2 D SESS.- CH. 312 -MAY 14, 1942 281 contract disease in line of duty while on active duty or while engaged in authorized training without pay shall, under such regulations as the Secretary may prescribe, be entitled at Government expense to such hospitalization, rehospitalization, medical and surgical care in hospital and at their homes as is necessary for the appropriate treat- ment of such injury or disease until discharged from service, released from active duty, or released from authorized training without pay and during such time the period of such hospitalization or rehos- Pay and alnowacs pitalization, but not for more than an aggregate of six months after tion; transportation. the termination of service if on active duty with pay, to the pay and allowances, whether in money or in kind, that they were entitled to receive at the time such injury was suffered or disease contracted and to the necessary transportation incident to such hospitalization, rehos- pitalization, and return to their homes when discharged from hospital and such pay and allowances shall be in lieu of monthly compensa- tion payable under the first paragraph of this section, during the period covered thereby; and for any period of hospitalization or rehospitalization when they are not entitled to pay and allowances under the preceding provision they shall be entitled to subsistence at Government expense. In the event any member of the corps dies expenses. during her period of enlistment or appointment, the necessary expense for the recovery of the body, its preparation for burial, including the use of such of the uniform and articles of clothing issued to her as may be required, interment or cremation, and transportation of remains, including round-trip transportation and subsistence of an escort to her home or the place where she received orders or enrolled or was appointed, or to such other place as her relatives may desig- nate provided the distance to such other place be not greater than the distance to her home, shall be paid by the United States: Provided ea m injr further, That if the death of the member occurs as a result of an occurring in line of injury in line of duty while on active duty while engaged in author- duty- ized training without pay, or while engaged in authorized travel with or without pay, and while such member is entitled to receive the benefits of the Act of September 7, 1916, the funeral and burial 5 u.s .c .i 751-73. expenses shall be provided by the United States Employees' Compen- P t,p. 72 6. sation Commission under the provisions of section 11 of the Act of September 7, 1916, as amended (5 U. S . C. 761), and in addition to 39 tat.746. the authority contained in that section, the Commission may embalm and transport the body, in a hermetically sealed casket if necessary, to the home of the member. SEC. 12. The corps shall not be a part of the Army, but it shall RelationshiApo be the only women's organization authorized to serve with the Army, exclusive of the Army Nurse Corps. Nurses may be enrolled in the Enrollment of corps but nothing in this Act shall be construed to affect or change the Army Nurse Corps as now established by law. Admnstraton o SEC. 13. The corps shall be administered by the Secretary through cops through Army. the channels of command of the Army, pursuant to such regulations as the Secretary may promulgate. The Secretary is hereby authorized to prepare and issue any and all regulations, rules, or orders and to employ any and all of the facilities of the War Department and of the Army of the United States to carry into effect the provisions of this Act. The Secretary is further authorized to utilize the services Emerviest of U.i of the United States Employment Service to determine the qualifica- tions of applicants for admission into the corps. Disciplinary regola- SEc. 14 . The members of the corps shall be subject to such dis- ions. ciplinary regulations as the Secretary may prescribe, including provi- ta. sions for the punishment of major infractions by summary discharge 0 u. s. c. ii 1471- from the corps, and shall be subject to the Articles of War pursuant l593. pp 732,1060 to the second article thereof when applicable. Io1.