Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 56 Part 1.djvu/31

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PUBLIC LAWS ENACTED DURING THE SECOND SESSION OF THE SEVENTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Begun and held at the City of Washington on Monday, January 5, 1942, and adjourned without day on Wednesday, December 16, 1942 FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT, President; HENRY A. WALLACE, Vice President; CARTER GLASS, President of the Senate pro tempore; WILLIAM H. SMATHERS, Acting President of the Senate pro tempore, May 6, 1942; KENNETH MCKELLAR, Act- ing President of the Senate pro tempore, July 6, 1942; HARRY H. SCHWARTZ, Acting President of the Senate pro tempore, August 3, 1942; CARL A. HATCH, Acting President of the Senate pro tempore, September 7, 1942; EDWIN C. JOHN- SON, Acting President of the Senate pro tempore, September 14, 1942; CLYDE L. HERRING, Acting President of the Senate pro tempore, September 17, 1942; A. B . CHANDLER, Acting President of the Senate pro tempore, September 21 and 22, October 19, 1942; ELBERT D. THOMAS, Acting President of the Senate pro tempore, November 5, 1942; ERNEST W. MCFARLAND, Acting President of the Senate pro tempore, November 9, 1942; SCOTT W. LUCAS, Acting President of the Senate pro tempore, December 7, 1942; SAM RAYBURN, Speaker of the House of Representatives; E. E. Cox, Speaker of the House of Representatives pro tempore, April 2-13, 1942; ALFRED L. BULWINKLE, Speaker of the House of Representatives pro tempore, July 27-September 9, 1942. [CHAPTER 1] AN ACT To amend the Act approved April 22, 1941 (Public Law 39, Seventy-seventh Congress), so as to increase the authorized enlisted strength of the Navy and Marine Corps. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Act approved April 22, 1941 (Public Law 39, Seventy-seventh Congress), be, and the same is hereby, amended as follows: (a) Section 1, second sentence, delete the words "three hundred thousand" and insert in lieu thereof the words "five hundred thousand". lb) Strike out section 4 and insert in lieu thereof the following: SEC. 4 . Hereafter the authorized enlisted strength of the active list of the Marine Corps shall be 20 per centum of the authorized enlisted strength of the Navy. The President is hereby authorized, whenever in his judgment a sufficient national emergency exists, to increase this number to one hundred and four thousand." Approved, January 12, 1942. [CHAPTER 2] AN ACT To amend the District of Columbia License Act so as to permit the transportation of school children and occasional sightseeing operations in the District of Columbia without procurement of a license or payment of a tax in the case of certain vehicles performing such operations in connection with transportation to the District of Columbia. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That paragraph 31 of section 7 of the Act entitled "An Act making appropriations to 3 January 12, 1942 [8. 2149] [Public Law 398] 66 Stat. 145. 34 U.S . C., Supp. I, i 151. Navy. Authorized enlisted strength. Marine Corps. Authorized enlisted strength. 34U.8.C., SuppI, I 691. January 15, 1942 [H. R. 40771 [Public Law 399] District of Colum- bia License Act, amendments.