Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 56 Part 1.djvu/35

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77TH CONG., 2D SESS.- CH. 6 -JAN. 19, 1942 grade) in the order in which the names appear on the current lineal list hereinafter authorized as the officers become credited with seven- teen years', ten years', and three years' service, respectively: Provided, sProviso. That lieutenants with not less than fourteen years' accredited service ments. and lieutenants (junior grade) with not less than seven years' accredited service may be promoted to the grades of lieutenant com- Lieutenant com- mander and lieutenant, respectively, at any time in such numbers as tenan limtdtioneu will not cause the resulting number of officers in each of the grades of lieutenant commander and lieutenant to exceed 28 per centum of the total authorized force of commissioned officers on the active list: Provided further, That for purposes of pay, longevity pay, allow- Service as deck off- ances, promotion or retirement, which are now or may hereafter be neer.nd junior engi- authorized for officers appointed after June 30, 1922, there shall be Post, pp.360, 1037 counted in addition to active commissioned service, service as deck officer and junior engineer in excess of one year. (c) All promotions, when made, shall be effective from the date of Effective date. the respective vacancies, and promotions to all grades shall be made enat approval. by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate. (d) Each officer shall be assumed to have, for promotion purposes, Lineallist. at least the same length of service as any officer junior to him on the lineal list hereinafter authorized, except that an officer who has lost numbers on the lineal list shall be assumed to have for promotion purposes no greater service than the officer next above him in his new position on the lineal list. (e) Whenever a final fraction occurs in computing the authorized Fractions occurring number of officers of any grade, the nearest whole number shall be m computatons. regarded as the authorized number: Provided, That the total number Provisos. of officers as authorized by law shall not be increased as a result of the computations prescribed herein, and if necessary the number of officers in the lowest grade shall be reduced accordingly: Provided further, That no officer shall be reduced in grade or pay or separated from the active list as the result of any computations made to deter- mine the authorized number of officers in the various grades. PERSONNEL BOARD SEC. 3. At least once a year and at such other times as may be necessary, the Secretary of Commerce shall appoint and convene a Personnel Board consisting of not less than five officers not below the rank of commander on the active list of the Coast and Geodetic Survey, to make the computations prescribed herein, to prepare and maintain a lineal list on which the names of all officers on the active list shall be arranged in such order as the board may determine, and to make selections and recommendations for the promotion and retire- ment of officers as herein prescribed. SEC. 4. Each report of the Personnel Board shall be submitted to the President for approval or disapproval: Provided, That in case any recommendation by the board is not acceptable to the President, the board shall be so informed and shall make such further recom- mendations as shall be acceptable to the President and, if necessary, the board shall be reconvened for this purpose: Provided further, That when the report of the board shall have been approved, the recommendations therein shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of this Act. RETIREMENT OF OFFICERS SEC. 5. The President may transfer to the retired list from the grades of captain, commander, lieutenant commander, and lieutenant such officers as have been recommended for retirement by the Per- Appointment and functions. Report of the board. Proitos. Authority of the President. 7 56 STAT. ]