Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 56 Part 1.djvu/357

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77TH CONG. , 2D SESS.-CH. 385-JUNE 6, 1942 [CHAPTER 385] AN ACT To amend the Coast Guard Auxiliary and Reserve Act of 1941 (Public Law 8, Seventy-seventh Congress), as amended by section 10 of the Act entitled "An Act to amend and clarify certain Acts pertaining to the Coast Guard, and for other purposes", approved July 11, 1941 (Public Law 166, Seventy-seventh Congress). Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Coast Guard Auxiliary and Reserve Act of 1941, approved February 19, 1941 (Public Law 8, Seventy-seventh Congress, first session), as amended by section 10 of the Act entitled "An Act to amend and clarify certain Acts pertaining to the Coast Guard, and for other purposes", approved July 11, 1941 (Public Law 166, Seventy-seventh Congress, first session), is hereby further amended as follows: (1) Section 8. In the second sentence thereof, delete the words "upon investigation by a board of not less than three commissioned officers of the regular Coast Guard"; and insert after the word "deter- mined" in the fifth full line of said second sentence the words "under regulations prescribed by the Commandant", so that said second sen- tence as amended shall read as follows: "The term 'actual necessary expenses of operation', as used herein shall include fuel, oil, water, supplies, provisions, and any replacement or repair of equipment or any repair of the motorboat or yacht, where it is determined under regulations prescribed by the Commandant that responsibility for the loss or damage necessitating such replacement or repair of equip- ment or such repair of the motorboat or yacht rests with the Coast Guard", (2) Section 203. Delete the entire section and substitute therefor the following: "SEC. 203. The ranks, grades, and ratings, including cadets, in the Reserve shall be the various ranks, grades, and ratings not above captain, prescribed by law for the Coast Guard: Provided, That no officer shall be initially appointed in the Coast Guard Reserve in the grade or rank of captain or commander." (3) Section 206. Delete the period at the end of the first sentence, insert in lieu thereof a semicolon, and add the words "pay and allow- ances of cadets of the Reserve shall under the same conditions, for the same purposes, and in the same manner, be assimilated to the pay and allowances of midshipmen of the Naval Reserve." (4) Section 207. Delete the entire section and substitute therefor the following: "SEC. 207. The Commandant, with the approval of the Secretary of the Treasury or of the Secretary of the Navy, while the Coast Guard is operating as a part of the Navy, is hereby authorized to enroll as temporary members of the Reserve, for duty under such conditions as he may prescribe, including but not limited to part-time and intermittent active duty with or without pay, and without regard to age, members of the Auxiliary, such officers and members of the crew of any motorboat or yacht placed at the disposal of the Coast Guard, and such men who by reason of their special training and experience are deemed by the Commandant to be qualified for such duty, as are citizens of the United States or of its Territories or possessions, except the Philippine Islands, to define their powers and duties, and to confer upon them, appropriate to their qualifications and experience, the same ranks, grades, and ratings as are provided for the personnel of the regular Coast Guard Reserve. When per- forming active duty with pay, as herein authorized, temporary mem- June 6, 1942 [S. 2490] [Public Law 599] Coast Guard Aux- iliary and Reserve Act of 1941, amend- ments. 55 Stat. 9, 587. 14 U. S. C., Supp. I, ch. 9. Post, pp . 990, 1020. 55 Stat. 10 . 14 U.S . C., Supp. I, § 267. "Actual necessary expenses of operation." 55 Stat. 11. 14 U. S. C., Supp. I, 303. Coast Guard Reserve. Ranks, grades, and ratings. Proviso. Reserve cadets. Pay and allowances. 55 Stat. 11, 588. 14U. S. C., Sull. I, § 306. Post, p . 1021. 55 Stat. 12 . 14U. S. C., Supp. 1, i 307. Temporary nmem- bers. Pos, pp. 990, 1021 . Pay and allowances. 56 STAT.] 329