Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 56 Part 1.djvu/359

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77TH CONG., 2D SESS. - CH. 396-JUNE 8, 1942 chief bookkeeper, $3,600; librarian, $3,600; executive clerk, $3,180 and $420 additional so long as the position is held by the present in- cumbent; first assistant librarian, $3,120; keeper of stationery, $3,320; clerks-one at $3,600, one at $3,360, one at $3,180, three at $2,880 each, one at $2,640 and $660 additional so long as the position is held by the present incumbent, two at $2,640 each, clerk in Disbursing Office, $2,400, six at $2,400 each, three at $1,860 each, three at $1,740 each; assistant in library, $1,440; special officer, $2,460; assistants at the press door-one at $2,200, one at $1,900; messenger, $1,260; laborers-- one at $1,800 one at $1,620, one at $1,440, four at $1,380 each, one in Po0,P-70. Secretary's office, $1,680, one, $1,560, one, $1,260; in all, $149,840. DOCUMENT ROOM Salaries: Superintendent, $3,960 and $1,040 additional so long as the position is held by the present incumbent; first assistant, $2,640; second assistant, $2,040; four assistants, at $2,040 each; skilled laborer, $1,380; in all, $19,220. COMMITIEE EMPLOYEES Clerks and messengers to the following committees: Agriculture and Forestry-clerk, $3,900; assistant clerk, $2,880; assistant clerk, $2,580; assistant clerk, $2,400; assistant clerk, $2,220; additional clerk, $1,800. Appropriations-clerk, $7,000 and $1,000 additional so long as the position is held by the present incumbent; assistant clerk, $4,800; assistant clerk, $3,900; three assistant clerks at $3,000 each; two assistant clerks at $2,220 each; messenger, $1,800. To Audit and Control the Contingent Expenses of the Senate-clerk, $3,900; assist- ant clerk, $2,880; assistant clerk, $2,400; assistant clerk, $2,220; addi- tional clerk, $1,800. Banking and Currency-clerk, $3,900; assistant clerk, $2,880; assistant clerk, $2,400; assistant clerk, $2,220. Civil Service--clerk, $3,900; assistant clerk, $2,400; assistant clerk, $2,220; additional clerk, $1,800. Claims-clerk, $3,900; assistant clerk, $2,880; assistant clerk, $2,580; two assistant clerks at $2,220 each. Commerce-clerk, $3,900; assistant clerk, $2,880; assistant clerk, $2,580; assistant clerk, $2,400; two assistant clerks at $2,220 each. Conference Majority of the Senate-clerk, $3,900; assistant clerk, $2,880; two assistant clerks at $2,580 each; assistant clerk, $2,220. Conference Minority of the Senate-clerk, $3,900; assistant clerk, $2,880; two assistant clerks at $2,580 each; assistant clerk, $2,220. District of Columbia-clerk, $3,900; two assistant clerks at $2,880 each; assistant clerk, $2,220; additional clerk, $1,800; additional cleri- cal assistance at rates of compensation to be fixed by the chairman of said committee, $6,000. Education and Labor-clerk $3,900; assistant clerk, $2,580; assistant clerk, $2,220; additional clerk, $1,800. Enrolled Bills-clerk, $3,900; assistant clerk, $2,400; assistant clerk, $2,220; assistant clerk, $1,800, and S. Res. 215, agreed to January 16, 1942, is hereby repealed as of July 1, 1942; additional clerk, $1,800. Expenditures in the Executive Departments-clerk, $3,900; assistant clerk, $2,580; assistant clerk, $2,220; additional clerk, $1,800. Finance--clerk, $4,200 and $500 additional so long as the position is held by the present incumbent; special assistant to the committee, $3,600; assistant clerk, $2,880; assistant clerk, $2,700; assistant clerk, $2,400; two assistant clerks at $2,220 each; two experts (one for the majority and one for the minority) at $3,600 each; messenger, $1,800. Foreign Relations-clerk, $3,900; assistant clerk, $2,880; assistant clerk, $2,580; assistant clerk, $2,220; additional clerk, $1,800; messen- ger, $1,800. Immigration-clerk, $3,900; assistant clerk, $2,580; assistant clerk, $2,220; additional clerk, $1,800. Indian Affairs- 56 STAT.] 331