Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 56 Part 1.djvu/361

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56 STAT. ] 77TH CONG. , 2 D SESS.--CH. 396-JUNE 8, 1942 333 annum each for each Senator from any State which has a population of five million or more inhabitants but less than ten million, $36,000, in all, $45,000: Provided, That such additional clerks shall be in addi- P ro elo Period of employ- tion to any other clerical assistance to which Senators are entitled, ment. and shall be employed only during the period of the emergency. Senators and chairmen of standing committees may rearrange or Rearrangement of change the schedule of salaries and the number of employees in their salary schedules, etc. respective offices or committees: Provided, That such changes shall Provisos not increase the aggregate of the salaries provided for such offices or ggre committees by law or Senate resolution: Provided further, That no Salary limitations. salary shall be fixed hereunder at a rate in excess of $4,500 per annum and no action shall be taken to reduce any salary which is specifically fixed by law at a rate higher than $4,500: Provided further, That Certificate to dis- Senators and committee chairmen, on or before the first day of the month in which such changes are to become effective, shall certify in writing such changes or rearrangements to the disbursing office which shall thereafter pay such employees in accord with such changed schedule. In all, clerical assistance to Senators, $1,156,800. OFFICE OF SERGEANT AT ARMS AND DOORKEEPER Salaries: Sergeant at Arms and Doorkeeper, $8,000; two secretaries (one for the majority and one for the minority), at $5,400 each and $1,500 additional each so long as the respective positions are held by the present respective incumbents; two assistant secretaries (one for the majority and one for the minority), at $4,320 each and $480 additional each so long as the respective positions are held by the present respective incumbents; Deputy Sergeant at Arms and store- keeper, $4,800 and $1,000 additional so long as the position is held by the present incumbent; clerks-one $3,120, one $2,200, one $2,100, one $2,120, one $1,800, one to the secretary for the majority, $2,280 and $120 additional so long as the position is held by the present incum- bent, one to the secretary of the minority, $2,280, one $1,500; assistant doorkeeper, $2,880; messengers-three (acting as assistant doorkeep- ers) at $2,400 each; one at $1,740 and $260 additional so long as the position is held by the present incumbent; twenty-nine (including four for minority) at $1,740 each; four at $1,620 each; one at card door, $2,640, and $240 additional so long as the position is held by the present incumbent; clerk on Journal work for Congressional Record to be selected by the Official Reporters, $3,360; upholsterer and lock- smith, $2,600; cabinetmaker, $2,040; three carpenters at $2,040 each; janitor, $2,400; five skilled laborers, $1,680 each; laborer in charge of private passage, $1,740 and $120 additional so long as the position is held by the present incumbent; four female attendants in charge of ladies' retiring rooms, at $1,500 each; three female attendants in charge of ladies' retiring rooms, Senate Office Building, at $1,500 each; attendant authorized by S. Res. 252, adopted May 13, 1938, $1,500; telephone operators-chief $2,460 and $280 additional so long as the position is held by the present incumbent; fourteen at $1,620 each; laborer in charge of Senate toilet rooms in old library space, $1,200: press gallery-superintendent, $3,660: assistant superintend- ent, $3,000; assistant superintendent, $1,920; messengers for service to press correspondents-two at $1,560 each, two at $1,440 each; radio press gallery-superintendent, $3,000; assistant superintendent, $1,960; laborers-three at $1,380 each, thirty at $1,260 each, three at $480 each; special employees-seven at $1.000 each; twenty-one pages Pot, p. 93. for the Senate Chamber, at the rate of $4 per day each, during the session, $15,204; in all, $277,144.