Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 56 Part 1.djvu/37

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56 STAT.] 77'r CONG., 2D SESS.- CHS. 7 -9-JAN. 20, 1942 [CHAPTER 7] AN ACT To promote the national security and defense by establishing daylight saving time. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That beginning at 2 o'clock antemeridian of the twentieth day after the date of enactment of this Act, the standard time of each zone established pursuant to the Act entitled "An Act to save daylight and to provide standard time for the United States", approved March 19, 1918, as amended, shall be advanced one hour. SEC. 2 . This Act shall cease to be in effect six months after the termination of the present war or at such earlier date as the Congress shall by concurrent resolution designate, and at 2 o'clock antemeridian of the last Sunday in the calendar month following the calendar month during which this Act ceases to be in effect the standard time of each zone shall be returned to the mean astronomical time of the degree of longitude governing the standard time for such zone as provided in such Act of March 19, 1918, as amended. Approved, January 20, 1942. [CHAPTER 8] AN ACT Authorizing subsistence allowance provided for aviation cadets to be paid to messes in manner as prescribed by the Act of March 14, 1940 (Public, Numbered 433, Seventy-sixth Congress). Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the UnitedStates of America in Congress assembled, That the subsistence allowance provided for aviation cadets in the Act of April 15, 1935 (49 Stat. 157; U. S. C., title 34, Supp. V ., sec. 843), may be paid to messes in the same manner as prescribed in the Act of March 14, 1940 (Public, Numbered 433, Seventy-sixth Congress). Approved, January 20, 1942. [CHAPTER 91 AN ACT To amend the Act approved June 23, 1938, entitled "An Act to regulate the distribution, promotion, and retirenient of officers of the line of the Navy, and for other purposes." Be it eracted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That section 15 of the Act entitled "An Act to regulate the distribution, promotion, and retirement of officers of the line of the Navy, and for other purposes", approved June 23, 1938 (52 Stat. 953), is hereby amended by inserting at the end thereof the following new subsection: "(h) Selection boards to recommend brigadier generals of the line for promotion to major general shall be composed of officers of the permanent grade of major general on the active list of the Marine Corps to the extent that such officers are deemed available for this duty by the Secretary of the Navy, and the remainder of the board shall be composed of rear admirals on the active list of the line of the Navy, not restricted by law to the performance of shore duty only." Approved, January 20, 1942. 9 January 20, 1942 [S. 2160] [Public Law 403] Daylight saving time. 40 Stat. 45(i 15U. S.C. 261-264. Termination of Act. January 20, 1942 [S. 1677] [Public Law 404] Naval Reserve and Marine Corps Re- serve. Aviation cadets. 34 U.S. C. § 843. Post, p. 739. 54 Stat. 50. 34 U.S. C. § 908. January 20. 1942 [S9 1919] - [ublic l,aw 405] Marine Corps. 34U.S. C. I662b. Selection boards for recommending pro- motion.