Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 56 Part 1.djvu/392

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 413-JUNE 16, 1942 rdance paymen. man is being performed, and shall not exceed $5 per day: Provided, That payments of allowances for quarters and subsistence may be made in advance to enlisted men under such regulations as the Presi- dent may prescribe. These regulations shall be uniform for all the Subsistence for services mentioned in the title of this Act. Subsistence for pilots pilots. shall be paid in accordance with existing regulations, and rations for enlisted men may be commuted as now authorized by law. Allowace for de- Each enlisted man of the first, second, or third grade, in the active military, naval, or Coast Guard service of the United States having a dependent as defined in section 4 of this Act, shall, under such regula- tions as the President may prescribe, be entitled to receive, for any period during which public quarters are not provided and available for his dependent, the monthly allowance for quarters authorized by i. law to be granted to each enlisted man not furnished quarters in kind: Provided,That such enlisted men shall continue to be entitled to this allowance although receiving the allowance provided in the first paragraph of this section if by reason of orders of competent authority his dependent is prevented from dwelling with him. Asllowane e during Enlisted men entitled to receive allowances for quarters or subsis- tence, shall continue, while their permanent stations remain unchanged, to receive such allowances while sick in hospital or absent Pro Tiso. from their permanent-duty stations in a pay status: Provided, That allowances for subsistence shall not accrue to such an enlisted man while he is in fact being subsisted at Government expense. Reenlistmett allow- An enlistment allowance equal to $50, multiplied by the number of years served in the enlistment period from which he has last been discharged, shall be paid to every honorably discharged enlisted man of the first three grades who reenlists within a period of three months from the date of his discharge, and an enlistment allowance of $25, multiplied by the number of years served in the enlistment period from which he has last been discharged, shall be paid to every honor- ably discharged enlisted man of the other grades who reenlists within Provwo. a period of three months from the date of his discharge: Provided, That the provisions of this paragraph shall not affect the provisions 355Sta. 6supp9 . of the Act approved August 18, 1941 (Public Law 215, Seventy- lst8. seventh Congress): Provided further, That during the present war and for six months thereafter the provisions of section 2 of the Act 37 U.s. c..Supp. , of August 18, 1941 (Public Law 215, Seventy-seventh Congress) are hereby suspended. Clothing froenlisted Hereafter the President may prescribe the quantity and kind of clothing which shall be furnished annually to enlisted men of the Navy, the Coast Guard, the Naval Reserve, and the Coast Guard Reserve, and he may prescribe the amount of a cash allowance to be paid to such enlisted men in any case in which clothing is not so urnished to them. Philippine Scouts. SEC. 11. The pay and allowances of whatever nature and kind to be authorized for the enlisted men of the Philippine Scouts shall be fixed by the Secretary of War and shall not exceed or be of other classes than those now or which may hereafter be authorized by law for enlisted men of the Regular Army. Na^vyinsularorce. The rates of pay of enlisted men of the insular force of the Navy shall be one-half the rates of pay prescribed for enlisted men of the Navy in corresponding grades. Mileage allowance SEC. 12. Officers of any of the services mentioned in the title of this Act, including Reserve components thereof and the National Guard, while on active duty in the Federal service, when traveling under competent orders without troops shall receive a mileage allowance at the rate of 8 cents per mile, distance to be computed by the shortest usually traveled route and existing laws providing for the issue of transportation requests to officers of the Army traveling under compe- 364 [56 STAT.