Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 56 Part 1.djvu/469

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56 STAT.] 77TH CONG. , 2D SESS.-CH. 452-JUNE 27, 1942 State Board of Regents, and other incidental expenses of the training school for nurses, $600. The unexpended balance of the appropriation of $78,750 for repairs, alterations, and improvements to the building used for domestic pur- poses, contained in the District of Columbia Appropriation Act, 1942, is continued available in the fiscal year 1943. The Commissioners of the District of Columbia shall establish from time to time reasonable standards of indigency for admission of patients to municipal hospitals of the District of Columbia: Provided, That emergency and semi-indigent patients may be admitted to the general ward and tuberculosis ward of Gallinger Municipal Hospital on a full- or part-pay basis at such rates and under such regulations as may be established by the Commissioners insofar as such admis- sions will not interfere with the admission of indigent patients: Pro- vided further, That the Commissioners may enter into agreements with the States of Maryland and Virginia, or the political subdivi- sions thereof, for the care and treatment in such municipal hospitals of emergency patients who are indigent residents of such States or political subdivisions. Medical charities: For care and treatment of indigent patients under contracts to be made by the Health Officer of the District of Columbia and approved by the Commissioners with the following institutions and for not to exceed the following amounts, respectively: Children's Hospital, including not to exceed $10,000 for dispensary cases to be paid for at existing rates, $75,000. Central Dispensary and Emergency Hospital, $55,000. Eastern Dispensary and Casualty Hospital, $55,000. Washington Home for Incurables, $15,000. Columbia Hospital and Lying-in-Asylum: For general repairs including labor and material to be expended in the discretion and under the direction of the Architect of the Capitol, $11,200. 441 Reappropriation. 55 Stat. 518. Standards of indi- gency. Provisos. Gallinger Munici- pal Hospital, admis- sion of certain patients on pay basis. Indigent residents of Maryland and Vir- ginia. COURTS JUVENILE COURT Salaries: For personal services, $112,610. Miscellaneous: For compensation of jurors, $2,000. For stationery, books of reference, periodicals, typewriters and repairs thereto, preservation of records, telephone service, traveling expenses, meals of jurors and prisoners, furniture, fixtures, and equip- ment, and other incidental expenses not otherwise provided for, $4,570. The disbursing officer of the District of Columbia is authorized to advance to the chief probation officer of the juvenile court upon requisition previously approved by the judge of the juvenile court and the auditor of the District of Columbia, sums of money not to exceed $50 at any one time, to be expended for transportation and traveling expenses to secure the return of absconding probationers, and to be accounted for monthly on itemized vouchers to the account- ing officer of the District of Columbia. THE MUNICIPAL COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Salaries: For personal services, $222,845. For witness fees and compensation of jurors, $52,500: Provided, That deposits made on demands for jury trials in accordance with rules prescribed by the court under authority granted in section 11 of the Act approved March 3, 1921 (41 Stat. 1312), shall be earned Return of abscond- ing probationers. Ante, p. 190. Proviso. Deposits for jury trials. D. C . Code § 11-722.