Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 56 Part 1.djvu/474

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446 Relief to ii residents. Reappropria 55 Stat. 523 . Personal serv Prorisos. Restriction penditures. Supervision counting, etc. D.C. Code § to 32-710 . Provio. Apportionmi funds. PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 452-JUNE 27, 1942 [56 STAT. MUNICIPAL LODGING HOUSE For personal services, $4,025; maintenance, $4,200; in all, $8,225. PUBLIC ASSISTANCE idigent For the purpose of affording relief to indigent residents of the Dis- trict of Columbia to be expended by the Board of Public Welfare of the District of Columbia by employment and direct relief, in the dis- cretion of the Board of Commissioners and under rules and regulations to be prescribed by the Board and without regard to the provisions of any other law, payable from the revenues of the District of Columbia, tion. $775,000, together with not to exceed $75,000 of the unexpended bal- ance of the appropriation for this purpose contained in the District of Columbia Appropriation Act, 1942, and not to exceed 12 per centum of this appropriation and of Federal grants reimbursed under this iCes. appropriation shall be expended for personal services, and the amount made available by this paragraph shall include the distribution of surplus commodities and relief milk and the certification of persons eligible for work relief and surplus commodities, including personal on ex- services without regard to such 12 per centum limitation: Provided, That no part of this appropriation shall be expended in such a manner as to require a deficiency to supplement such appropriation: Pro- of ac vided further, That all auditing, disbursing, and accounting for funds administered through the Public Assistance Division of the Board of Public Welfare, including all employees engaged in such work and records relating thereto, shall be under the supervision and control of the Auditor of the District of Columbia. Home Care for Dependent Children: To carry out the purposes of the Act entitled "An Act to provide home care for dependent 32-701 children in the District of Columbia", approved June 22, 1926 (44 Stat. 758-760), including not to exceed $24,000 for personal services toin the District of Columbia, $298,400: Provided,That this appropria- tion shall be so apportioned and distributed by the Commissioners over the fiscal year ending June 30, 1943, and shall be so administered during such fiscal year as to constitute the total amount that will be utilized during such fiscal year for such purposes, and no more than $400 shall be paid for burial of children dying while beneficiaries under said Act. Assistance against old-age want: To carry out the provisions of the Act entitled "An Act to amend the Code of Laws for the District of Columbia in relation to providing assistance against old-age want", §46-201 approved August 24, 1935 (49 Stat. 747), including not to exceed $67,000 for personal services and other necessary expenses, $685,465. Pensions for needy blind persons: To carry out the provisions of §46-101 the Act entitled "An Act to provide aid for needy blind persons of the District of Columbia and authorizing appropriations there- for", approved August 24, 1935 (49 Stat. 744), $64,800. ropria- In expending appropriations contained in this Act under the Mn s. caption "Public Assistance", not more than the following monthly amounts shall be paid therefrom: Emergency Relief of Residents: Single persons, not more than $24; family of two persons, not more than $30, and for each person in excess of such number under sixteen years of age not more than $6; and not to exceed a total of $60 to any one family; Home Care for Dependent Children: Family of two persons, not more than $30, and for each person in excess of such number under sixteen years of age not more than $6; and not to exceed a total of $60 to any one family; Assistance Against Old Age Want: Not more than $30 per month shall be paid there- from to any one person; Aid for Needy Blind Persons: Not more than $40 per month shall be.paid therefrom to any one person. D.C. Code § to 46-215 . D.C. Code § to 46-116; Supp 105. Expenditure ignated app tlons, limitatlo