Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 56 Part 1.djvu/477

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56 STAT.] 77TH CONG. , 2D SESS.-CH. 452 -JUNE 27, 1942 passenger-carrying motor vehicles; streetcar fares (not to exceed $200), necessarily used in the transaction of official business; not exceeding $400 for traveling expenses, including attendance at meet- ings or conventions of associations pertaining to the National Guard; and for general incidental expenses of the service, $5,320; in all, $19,360. For operation and maintenance of new armory, including neces- sary personal services, $20,000. IMPROVEMENT OF WASHINGTON CHANNEL Toward the payment by the District of Columbia of its propor- tionate part of the cost of improving the north side of Washington Channel, District of Columbia, as set forth in the Act of Congress approved August 30, 1935, entitled "An Act authorizing the con- struction, repair, and preservation of certain public works on rivers and harbors, and for other purposes", $64,000, which sum shall be transferred to the War Department and be expended under the direc- tion of the Secretary of War and the supervision of the Chief of Engineers, and shall continue available until expended. NATIONAL CAPITAL PARKS SALARIES, PUBLIC PARKS, DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA For personal services, $364,400. GENERAL EXPENSES, PUBLIC PARKS General expenses: For general expenses in connection with the main- tenance, care, improvement, furnishing of heat, light, and power of public parks, grounds, fountains and reservations, propagating gar- dens and greenhouses under the jurisdiction of the National Park Service, including the tourists' camp on its present site in East Potomac Park, and including personal services of seasonal or inter- mittent employees at per diem rates of pay approved by the Secretary of the Interior, not exceeding current rates of pay for similar employ- ment in the District of Columbia; placing and maintaining portions of the parks in condition for outdoor sports, erection of stands, furnishing and placing of chairs, and services incident thereto in connection with national, patriotic, civic, and recreational functions held in the parks, including the President's Cup Regatta, and for expenses incident to the conducting of band concerts in the parks; the hire of draft animals with or without drivers at local rates approved by said Secretary; the purchase and maintenance of draft animals, harness, and wagons; contingent expenses; city directories; communication service; carfare; traveling expenses; professional, scientific, technical, and lawbooks; periodicals and reference books, blank books and forms; photographs, dictionaries and maps; leather anl rubber articles for the protection of employees and property; the maintenance, repair, exchange, and operation of not to exceed two motor-propelled passenger-carrying vehicles and all necessary bicycles, motorcycles, and self-propelled machinery; the purchase, maintenance, and repair of equipment and fixtures, and so forth, $419,950: Pro- vided, That not to exceed $10,000 of the amount herein appropriated may be expended for the erection of minor auxiliary structures. PARK POLICE Salaries: For pay and allowances of the United States Park Police force, in accordance with the Act approved May 27, 1924, as amended, $188,350. 65714--43 - -PT. I- -29 449 New armory, main- tenance. Payment by D. C . 49 Stat. 1031 . Proio. 43 Stat. 175. D. C. Code § 4-203, 4-204.