Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 56 Part 1.djvu/479

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77TH CONG., 2D SESS.-CH. 452-JUNE 27, 1942 nance of non-passenger-carrying motor vehicles, printing and bind- ing, postage, telephone service, heating, electricity, repairs to equip- ment of inspection stations, continuation of the operation of parking meters on the streets of the District of Columbia, including mainte- nance and repair, not to exceed $10,000 for such expenses as the Commissioners, in their discretion, may deem necessary in connec- tion with traffic safety education, and such other expenses as may be necessary in the judgment of the Commissioners, said amount to be expended without reference to any other law, including not to exceed $41,000 for the operation and maintenance of electric traffic lights, signals, and controls, $194,260, of which not less than $27,500 shall be expended for the purchase, installation, and modification of electric traffic-light signals and $1,000 shall be available for direc- tional signs: Provided, That no part of this or any other appropri- ation contained in this Act shall be expended for building, installing, and maintaining streetcar loading platforms and lights of any descrip- tion employed to distinguish same, except that a permanent type of platform may be constructed from appropriations contained in this Act for street improvements when plans and locations thereof are approved by the Public Utilities Commission and the Director of Vehicles and Traffic: Provided further, That the street-railway company shall after construction maintain, mark, and light the same at its expense: Provided further, That fees from parking meters shall be deposited to the credit of the highway fund of the District of Columbia. The Commissioners of the District of Columbia are authorized and directed to designate, reserve, and properly mark appropriate and sufficient parking spaces on the streets adjacent to all public build- ings in such District for the use of Members of Congress engaged on public business. For the purchase of motor-vehicle identification number plates, $20,000. POLICE TRAFFIC CONTROL For expenses necessarily involved in the police control, regulation, and administration of traffic upon the highways, $607,500, which amount shall be transferred to the appropriation contained in this Act for pay and allowances of officers and members of the Metro- politan Police force. HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT For personal services, $262,030. STREET IMPROVEMENTS For paving, repaving, grading, and otherwise improving streets, avenues, an roads, including temporary per diem services, sur- veying instruments and implements, and drawing materials, print- ing and binding, postage, and miscellaneous expenses, and the purchase (including exchange), operation and maintenance of motor vehicles used in this work, including curbing and gutters and re- placement of curb-line trees where necessary, and including assess- ment and permit work and the several purposes' provided for thereunder, as follows: For paving, repaving, and surfacing, including curbing and gut- ters where necessary, the following: Northwest: Dalecarlia Parkway, Loughboro Road to Massachu- setts Avenue, $154,000; For paving, repaving, and surfacing, including curbs and gutters where necessary, such streets, avenues, and roads as may be selected 56 STAT.] 451 Parking meters. Traffic safety educa- tion. Proisos. Streetcar loading platforms. Deposit of fees from parking meters. Parking spaees for Members of ongress.