Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 56 Part 1.djvu/481

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56 STAT.] 77TH CONG. , 2D SESS.-CH. 452 -JUNE 27, 1942 ing permanent and final improvement, including all necessary expenses incident thereto, $300,000; For current work of repairs to streets, avenues, roads, and alleys, including the reconditioning of existing gravel streets and roads; for cleaning snow and ice from streets, sidewalks, cross walks, and gut- ters in the discretion of the Commissioners; and including the pur- chase, exchange, maintenance, and operation of passenger and non-passenger-carrying motor vehicles used in this work, $1,025,000, of which amount $75,000 shall be available exclusively for snow- removal purposes, and not to exceed $30,000 thereof to be available for the procurement of snow-removal equipment: Provided, That appropriations contained in this Act for highways, sewers, city refuse, and the Water Department shall be available for snow removal when specifically and in writing ordered by the Commissioners: Provided further, That the Commissioners of the District of Columbia, should they deem such action to be to the advantage of the District of Columbia, are hereby authorized to purchase a municipal asphalt plant at a cost not to exceed $30,000; This appropriation shall be available for the construction and repair of pavements of street railways in accordance with the provi- sions of the Merger Act, approved January 14, 1933 (47 Stat. 752). The proportion of the amount thus expended which under the terms of the said Act is required to be paid by the street-railway company shall be collected, upon the neglect or the refusal of such street- railway company to pay, from the said street-railway company in the manner provided by section 5 of "An Act providing a permanent form of government for the District of Columbia", approved June 11, 1878 and shall be deposited to the credit of the appropriation for the Ascal year in which it is collected. For beginning construction of a bridge over the Anacostia River between the general vicinity of South Capitol and P Streets and Anacostia Parkway at the northern end of the Naval Air Station grounds (old Bolling Field) with connections to South Capitol Street and other District thoroughfares east of the Anacostia River, including construction of and changes in sewer and water mains, fire alarm and police patrol communication systems, changes and additions to traffic signal and other equipment, and construction and reconstruction of approach roads and streets in accordance with plans to be approved by the Commissioners of the District of Colum- bia, the National Capital Park and Planning Commission, and the Commission of Fine Arts, travel expenses in connection with the inspection of material at the point of manufacture, the acquisition of the necessary land for approach roadways and rights-of-way, by either purchase or condemnation, employment of engineering, and other professional services by contract or otherwise and without reference to section 3709 of the Revised Statutes (U. S. C., title 41, sec. 5) or the Classification Act of 1923, as amended, or civil-service requirements, and engineering and incidental expenses, $1,000,000; and the Commissioners are authorized to enter into contract or con- tracts for the completion of said bridge and approaches at a cost not to exceed $4,500,000; For the preparation of studies, preliminary plans and surveys, estimates and investigation of foundation conditions (1) for a trunk highway to the northeast from the vicinity of Twelfth and K Streets Northwest to Fifteenth Street and Benning Road Northeast; (2) for a trunk highway to the northwest from the vicinity of Con- necticut Avenue and K Street to Twenty-seventh and K Streets Northwest; (3) for a grade-separation structure in the vicinity of Thirteenth and H Streets Northwest; and (4) for a grade-separation structure at Dupont Circle, including consideration of conditions to 453 Street, etc., repairs. Provisos. Snow removal. Purchase of asphalt plant. Street-railway pave- ments. 20 Stat. 105. D.O. Code j 7-604. Anacostia River bridge, construction. 42 Stat. 1488. 5U.s.C.§661- 674; Supp. I, ch. 13 . Pst, p. 733 . Trunk highways. Grade-separation structures.