Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 56 Part 1.djvu/501

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77TH CONG. , 2D SESS. -CH. 472-JULY 2, 1942 writers, adding machines, and other labor-saving devices, and ex- change of same; maintenance and rental of launch for embassy in Turkey, not exceeding $3,500, including personnel for operation; rent and other expenses for dispatch agencies at New York, San Fran- cisco, Seattle, and New Orleans; traveling expenses, including the transportation of members of families and personal effects of diplo- matic officers or Foreign Service officers acting as charges d'affaires in traveling to seats of government at which they are accredited other than the city of usual residence and returning to the city of usual residence; loss by exchange; payment in advance for subscriptions to commercial information, telephone and other similar services, includ- ing telephone service in residences as authorized by the Act of April 30, 1940 (54 Stat. 175); burial expenses and expenses in connection with last illness and death of certain native employees, as authorized by and in accordance with the Act of July 15, 1939 (5 U. S. C. 118f); expenses of vice consulates and consular agencies for any of the fore- going objects; allowances for special instruction, education, and indi- vidual training of Foreign Service officers at home and abroad, not to exceed $7,500; cost, not exceeding $500 per annum each, of the tuition of Foreign Service officers assigned for the study of the languages of Asia and eastern Europe; for relief, protection, and burial of American seamen in foreign countries, in the Panama Canal Zone, and in the Philippine Islands, and shipwrecked American sea- men in the Territory of Alaska, in the Hawaiian Islands, in Puerto Rico, and in the Virgin Islands, and for expenses which may be incurred in the acknowledgment of the services of masters and crews of foreign vessels in rescuing American seamen or citizens from ship- wreck or other catastrophe at sea; for expenses of maintaining in China, Egypt, Ethiopia, Morocco, and Muscat, institutions for incar- cerating American convicts and persons declared insane by any consular court, rent of quarters for prisons, ice and drinking water for prison purposes, and for the expenses of keeping, feeding, and transportation of prisoners and persons declared insane by any consular court in China, Egypt, Ethiopia, Morocco, and Muscat- for every expenditure requisite for or incident to the bringing home from foreign countries of persons charged with crime as authorized by section 5275 of the revised Statutes (18 U. S . C . 659) ; and such other miscellaneous expenses as the President may deem necessary; $2,310,000: Provided, That this appropriation shall be available for reimbursement of appropriations for the Navy Department, in an amount not to exceed $40,000 for materials, supplies, equipment, and services furnished by the Navy Department, including pay, sub- sistence, allowances, and transportation of enlisted men of the Navy and Marine Corps who may be assigned by the Secretary of the Navy, upon request of the Secretary of State, to embassies, legations, or consular offices of the United States located in foreign countries. Not to exceed 10 per centum of any of the foregoing appropria- tions under the caption "Foreign Intercourse" for the fiscal year end- ing June 30, 1943, may be transferred, with the approval of the Director of the Bureau of the Budget, to any other foregoing appro- priation or appropriations under such caption for such fiscal year, but no appropriation shall be increased more than 10 per centum thereby: Provided,That all such transfers and contemplated transfers shall be set forth in the Budget for the fiscal year 1944. FOREIGN SERVICE BUILDINGS FUND Foreign Service Buildings Fund: For the purpose of carrying into effect the provisions of the Act of May 25, 1938, entitled "An Act to provide additional funds for buildings for the use of the dip- lomatic and consular establishments of the United States" (52 Stat. Traveling, etc., ex- penses. Telephone service. 31U.S.C. 679. 53 Stat. 1043 Language study. Relief, etc., of Amer- ican seamen. Consular prisons, etc. Bringing home per- sons charged with crime. Proviso. Navy Department, reimbursement. Transfer of appro- priations. Ante, p. 469. 22U. .C.i29a. 56 STAT.] 473