Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 56 Part 1.djvu/522

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 472-JULY 2, 1942 Proviso. Attendance at meet- ings. Transfer of honse- hold effects. 54 Stat. 1105. 6U.. C. C 73c-1 . Expenses. Ante, p. 8. Compilation of Coast Pilot. Personal services. rubber boots, snowshoes, and skis); $1,225,500: Provided, That this appropriation shall be available, when specifically authorized by the Chairman of the Board, for expenses of attendance at meetings of associations, organizations, or other properly constituted bodies con- cerned with aeronautics (not to exceed $4,000); and for transfer of household goods and effects as provided by the Act of October 10, 1940, and regulations promulgated thereunder. Printing and binding: For printing and binding, $18,000. COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY For every expenditure requisite for and incident to the work of the Coast and Geodetic Survey, including purchase of not more than four motor-propelled station wagons and maintenance, repair, exchange, and operation of motor-propelled or horse-drawn vehicles for official use,in field work, purchase of motorcycles with side cars, including their exchange, not to exceed $500, surveying instruments, including their exchange, rubber boots, canvas and rubber gloves, goggles, and caps, coats, and aprons for stewards' departments on vessels, packing, crating, and transporting personal household effects of commissioned officers and civilian personnel when transferred from one official station to another for permanent duty, and of commis- sioned officers who die while on active duty and funeral expenses of commissioned officers, as authorized by section 9 of the Act of January 19, 1942 (Public Law 402), extra compensation at not to exceed $15 per month to each member of the crew of a vessel when assigned duties as bomber or fathometer reader, extra compensation at not to exceed $1 per day for each station to employees of the Coast Guard and the Weather Bureau while observing tides or cur- rents or tending seismographs; services of one tide observer in the District of Columbia at not to exceed $1 per day, and compensation, not otherwise appropriated for, of persons employed in the field work, for operation, maintenance, and repair of an airplane for photographic survey, and expenses incident to the execution of field work upon approval by the head of the Bureau, to be expended in accordance with the regulations relating to the Coast and Geodetic Survey subscribed by the Secretary of Commerce, and under the following heads: Field expenses, coastal surveys: For surveys and necessary resurveys of coasts on the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans and the Gulf of Mexico under the jurisdiction of the United States; continuing researches in physical hydrography relating to harbors and bars, and for tidal and current observations on the coasts of the United States or other coasts under the jurisdiction of the United States; compilation of the Coast Pilot, including the employment of pilots and nautical experts; the preparation or purchase of plans and specifications of vessels and the employment of hull draftsmen; the reimbursement, under rules prescribed by the Secretary of Commerce, of officers of the Coast and Geodetic Survey for food, clothing, medicines, and other supplies furnished for the temporary relief of distressed persons in remote localities and to shipwrecked persons temporarily pro- vided for by them, not to exceed a total of $500 and actual necessary expenses of officers of the field force temporarily ordered to the office in the District of Columbia for consultation with the director $529,000, of which amount not to exceed $21,200 may be expended for personal services in the District of Columbia. Magnetic and seismological work: For continuing magnetic and seismological observations and to establish meridian lines in con- nection therewith in all parts of the United States; making mag- netic and seismological observations in other regions under the juris- [56 STAT. 494