Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 56 Part 1.djvu/558

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 473-JULY 2, 1942 Cheyenne River, South Dakota: Improvements to utilities, $42,000; Crow Creek, South Dakota: General repairs and improvements, $4,500; Fort Apache, Arizona: Remodeling school dormitory for sanato- rium use, $35,000; Fort Belknap, Montana: Improvements to utilities, $11,500; Klamath, Oregon: Garage, $5,000; Mescalero, New Mexico: General repairs and improvements, $5,000; Navajo, Arizona: Improvements to utilities, $5,000; Pine Ridge, South Dakota: Warehouse, $4,000; Tacoma, Washington: Sanatorium and general hospital plant, $95,000; Warm Springs, Oregon: Improvements to utilities, $4,000; Winnebago, Nebraska: Improvements to utilities, $15,000; Administrative ex- For administrative expenses, including personal services in the Dis- ses. trict of Columbia (not exceeding $40,000) and elsewhere; not to exceed $750 for printing and binding; purchase of periodicals, directories, and books of reference; purchase and operation of motor-propelled pas- senger-carrying vehicles; traveling expenses of employees; rent of office and storage space; telegraph and telephone tolls; and all other necessary expenses not specifically authorized herein, $88,110; in all, $366,610, to be immediately available and to remain available until Tranfrofamounts. completion of the projects: Provided,That not to exceed 10 per centum of the amount of any specific authorization may be transferred, in the discretion of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, to the amount of any other specific authorization, but no limitation shall be increased more than 10 per centum by any such transfer. Minnesota blcts.e The appropriation contained in the Interior Department Appropria- 66 Stat. 330. tion Act, 1942, for cooperation with public-school districts in the State of Minnesota in the construction, extension, equipment, and improve- ment of public-school facilities as authorized by and in conformity Stat. 707, 1020 with the Act of July 1, 1940 (Public, Numbered 696), and the Act of October 8, 1940 (Public, Numbered 804), shall remain available until completion of the projects. ANNUITIES AND PER CAPITA PAYMENTS Senecas, N .Y. For fulfilling treaties with Senecas of New York: For permanent annuity in lieu of interest on stock (Act of February 19, 1831, 4 Stat. 442), $6,000. Sixtations, NY. For fulfilling treaties with Six Nations of New York: For perma- nent annuity, in clothing and other useful articles (article 6, treaty of November 11, 1794), $4,500. 7 Stas O kla . For fulfilling treaties with Choctaws, Oklahoma: For permanent 1i stat. 614 . annuity (article 2, treaty of November 16, 1805, and article 13, treaty of June 22, 1855), $3,000; for permanent annuity for support of light 7 Stat. 212, . horsemen (article 13, treaty of October 18, 1820, and article 13, treaty of June 22. 1855), $600; for permanent annuity for support of black- smith (article 6, treaty of October 18, 1820, and article 9, treaty of 78tat 235 January 20, 1825, and article 13, treaty of June 22, 1855), $600; for permanent annuity for education (article 2. treaty of January 20, 1825, and article 13, treaty of June 22, 1855), $6,000; for permanent annuity for iron and steel (article 9, treaty of January 20, 1825, and article 13, treaty of June 22, 1855), $320; in all, $10,520. ateets29,;27tat For fulfilling treaties with Pawnees, Oklahoma: For permanent 64. annuity (article 2, treaty of September 24, 1857, and article 3, agree- ment of November 23, 1892), $30,000. r ias of Sioux For payment of Sioux benefits to Indians of the Sioux reservations, as authorized by the Act of March 2, 1889 (25 Stat. 895), as amended, $200,000. [56 STAT. De sc