Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 56 Part 1.djvu/604

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576 49 Stat. 439. 7U. S.C.§343d. Accelerated pro- grams of study in colleges, etc. Loans to students Provisos. Refund of excess payments. Amounts of loans. Interest rate; repay- ments. Cancelation of in- debtedness in certain cases. .4 Stat. 885 . 50.S.C.,app. § 301-318; Supp. i. 302-315. Ante, pp. 369, 386; post, pp. 724, 1018. PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 475-JULY 2, 1942 [56 STAT. Library service: For making surveys, studies, investigations, and reports regarding public, school, college, university, and other libra- ries; fostering coordination of public and school library service; coordinating library service on the national level with other forms of adult education; developing library participation in Federal projects; fostering Nation-wide coordination of research materials among the more scholarly libraries, inter-State library cooperation, and the development of public, school, and other library service throughout the country, and for the administrative expenses incident to perform- ing these duties, including salaries of such assistants, experts, clerks, and other employees in the District of Columbia and elsewhere, as the Commissioner of Education may deem necessary, purchase of miscellaneous supplies, equipment, stationery, typewriters, and exchange thereof, postage on foreign mail, purchase of books of ref- erence, lawbooks, and periodicals, and all other necessary expenses, $20.830 . Further endowment of colleges of agriculture and the mechanic arts: For carrying out the provisions of section 22 of the Act entitled "An Act to provide for research into basic laws and principles relat- ing to agriculture and to provide for the further development of cooperative agricultural extension work and the more complete endowment and support of land-grant colleges", approved June 29, 1935 (49 Stat. 436), $2,480,000. Loans to students in technical and professional fields (national defense): To assist students (in such numbers as the Chairman of the War Manpower Commission shall determine) participating in accelerated programs in degree-granting colleges and universities in engineering, physics, chemistry, medicine (including veterinary), dentistry, and pharmacy, whose technical or professional education can be completed within two years, as follows: Loans: For loans to students whose technical or professional educa- tion can be completed within two years to enable them to pursue college courses, who attain and continue to maintain satisfactory stand- ards of scholarship, who are in need of assistance, and who agree in writing to participate, until otherwise directed by said Chairman, in accelerated programs of study, in any of the fields authorized here- under, and who agree in writing to engage, for the duration of the wars in which the United States is now engaged, in such employment or service as may be assigned by officers or agencies designated by said Chairman, such loans to be made by such colleges or universities or public or college-connected agencies from funds paid to them upon estimates submitted by them as to the amounts necessary therefor, $5,000,000: Provided, That in case it shall be found that any payment to any such college, university, or public or college-connected agency is in excess of the needs thereof for the purposes hereof, refund of such excess shall be made to the Treasurer of the United States and the amount thereof credited to this appropriation. Loans hereunder shall be made in amounts not exceeding tuition and fees plus $25 per month and not exceeding a total of $500 to any one student during any twelve-month period, said loans to be evidenced by notes executed by such students payable to the Treasurer of the United States at a rate of interest at 21/2 per centum per annum. Repayments of such loans shall be made through the colleges, universities, or other agencies negotiating the loans and covered into the Treasury as miscellaneous receipts: Provided, That indebtedness of students who, before com- pleting their courses, are ordered into military service during the present wars under the Selective Training and Service Act of 1940, as amended, or who suffer total and permanent disability or death, shall be canceled. The foregoing loan program shall be administered in