Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 56 Part 1.djvu/612

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 475-JULY 2, 1942 nsane U. S . citizens in Cansda. 54 Stat. 766; .5 Stat. 24 U. S. C. 1961); Sllpp. 1 ,§ 191a. V'ehicles. Ropairs alld inl- provements. Preiaoe. Return of inmates not Federal charges. plans submitted by them and approved by the Surgeon General of the Public Health Service, at hospitals with recognized schools of nursing, and, where necessary, in the case of postgraduate courses at other institutions, for approved persons who have been licensed to practice as registered nurses under the laws of a State, Territory, or the District of Columbia, $3,500,000, payment thereof to be made through certification from time to time in accordance with regulations promulgated by the Surgeon General of the United States Public Health Service under the supervision and direction of the Federal Security Administrator and approved by the President, by said Sur- geon General to the Secretary of the Treasury of the name of such agency, nursing school, or hospital to whom payment is to be made, and the amount to be paid, such payment to be made prior to audit and settlement by the General Accounting Office. Salaries and expenses (national defense): For all general admin- istrative expenses necessary to enable the Public Health Service to carry out the foregoing program of nursing courses, including personal services in the District of Columbia and elsewhere, purchase and exchange of equipment, traveling expenses, and printing and binding, $50,000. SAINT EIIZABETHS HOSPITAL Salaries and expenses: For support, clothing, and treatment in Saint Elizabeths Hospital for the Insane of insane persons from the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard, insane inmates of the National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, persons charged with or convicted of crimes against the United States who are insane, all persons who have become insane since their entry into the military and naval services of the United States, insane civilians in the quar- termaster service of the Army, insane persons transferred from the Canal Zone who have been admitted to the hospital and who are indigent, American citizens legally adjudged insane in the Dominion of Canada whose legal residence in one of the States, Territories, or the District of Columbia it has been impossible to establish, insane beneficiaries of the United States Employees' Compensation Com- mission, insane beneficiaries of the United States Veterans' Admin- istration, insane Indian beneficiaries of the Bureau of Indian Affairs, persons from the Virgin Islands admitted under provisions of the Act of July 18, 1940 (Public Law 752), and officers or employees of the Foreign Service in accordance with the Act of October 29, 1941 (Public Law 284), including not exceeding $27,000 for the purchase and exchange (not to exceed three), maintenance, repair, and opera- tion of motor-propelled passelger-carrying vehicles, and including not to exceed $185,000 for repairs and improvements to buildings and grounds, and not to exceed $15,000 for furnishing and laundering of such wearing apparel as may be prescribed for employees in the performance of their official duties, $1,418,300, including cooperation with organizations or individuals in scientific research into the nature, causes, prevention, and treatment of mental illness, and including maintenance and operation of necessary facilities for feeding employ- ees and others (at not less than cost), and the proceeds therefrom shall reimburse the appropriation for the institution; and not exceed- ing $1,500 of this sum may be expended in the removal of patients to their friends; not exceeding $1,500 for the purchase of such books, periodicals, and newspapers as may be required for the purposes of the hospital and for the medical library, and not exceeding $1,500 for the actual and necessary expenses incurred in the apprehension and return to the hospital of escaped patients: Provided, That so much of this sum as may be required shall be available for all neces- sary expenses in ascertaining the residence of inmates who are not 584 [56 STAT.