Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 56 Part 1.djvu/64

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 26-JAN. 30, 1942 Ant pp. 27 31. contained in section 3 of this Act, and shall be subject to protest and review as provided in section 203 and section 204 of this Act. All such price schedules shall be reprinted in the Federal Register within ten days after the date upon which such Administrator takes office. TITLE II-MISCELLANEOUS QUARTEBLY REPORT Reports to Con- SEC. 301. The Administrator from time to time, but not less fre- gress quently than once every ninety days, shall transmit to the Congress a report of operations under this Act. If the Senate or the House of Representatives is not in session, such reports shall be transmitted to the Secretary of the Senate, or the Clerk of the House of Repre- sentatives, as the case may be. DEFINITIONS SEC. 302. As used in this Act- "le." (a) The term "sale" includes sales, dispositions, exchanges, leases, and other transfers, and contracts and offers to do any of the fore- Other tms con- going. The terms "sell", "selling", "seller", "buy", and "buyer", shall be construed accordingly. "rie." (b) The term "price" means the consideration demanded or re- ceived in connection with the sale of a commodity. Commodity." /(c) The term "commodity" means commodities, articles, products, and materials (except materials furnished for publication by any press association or feature service, books, magazines, motion pictures, periodicals and newspapers, other than as waste or scrap), and it also includes services rendered otherwise than as an employee in connec- tion with the processing, distribution, storage, installation, repair, or negotiation of purchases or sales of a commodity, or in connection with the operation of any service establishment for the servicing of a Eceptions. commodity: Provided, That nothing in this Act shall be construed Postp.76 . to authorze the regulation of (1) compensation paid by an employer to any of his employees, or (2) rates charged by any common carrier or other public utility, or (3) rates charged by any person engaged in the business of selling or underwriting insurance, or (4) rates charged by any person engaged in the business of operating or pub- lishing a newspaper, periodical, or magazine, or operating a radio- broadcasting station, a motion-picture or other theater enterprise, or outdoor advertising facilities, or (5) rates charged for any profes- sional services. "Defense-rental (d) The term "defense-rental area" means the District of Columbia and any area designated by the Administrator as an area where defense activities have resulted or threaten to result in an increase in the rents for housing accommodations inconsistent with the purposes of this Act. "Defense-area hous- (e) The term "defense-area housing accommodations" means hous- ogodaom"ing accommodations within any defense-rental area. d.ingaccommo. (f) The term "housing accommodations" means any building, struc- ture, or part thereof, or land appurtenant thereto, or any other real or personal property rented or offered for rent for living or dwelling purposes (including houses, apartments, hotels, rooming or boarding house accommodations, and other properties used for living or dwell- ing purposes) together with all privileges, services, furnishings, furni- ture, and facilities connected with the use or occupancy of such ent.' g) Te term "rent" means the consideration demanded or received in connection with the use or occupancy or the transfer of a lease of any housing accommodations. [56 STAT.