Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 56 Part 1.djvu/647

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56 STAT.] 77TH CONG. , 2D SESS. -CH. 477-JULY 2, 1942 connecting any post, camp, cantonment, depot, arsenal, headquarters, hospital, aviation station, or other office or station of the Army, including payment for official individual telegraph messages trans- mitted over commercial lines; electrical installations and maintenance thereof at military posts, cantonments, camps, and stations of the Army, fire control and direction apparatus, and materiel for Field Artillery; salaries of civilian employees, including those necessary as instructors at vocational schools; supplies, general repairs, reserve supplies, and other expenses connected with the collecting and trans- mitting of information for the Army by telegraph or otherwise; experimental investigation, research, purchase, and development, or improvements in apparatus, and maintenance of signaling and acces- sories thereto, including machines, instruments, and other equipment for laboratory and repair purposes; lease alteration, and repair of such buildings required for storing or guarding Signal Corps supplies, equipment, and personnel when not otherwise provided for, including the land therefor, the introduction of water, electric light and power, sewerage, grading, roads and walks, and other equipment required; for all expenses incident to the preparation of plans, and construction, purchase, installation, equipment, maintenance, repair, and operation of aircraft warning service systems, and their accessories, including purchase of lands and rights-of-way, acquisition of leaseholds and other interests therein, and temporary use thereof $2,617,506,025. AmR CORPS AIR CORPS, ARMY For creating, maintaining, and operating at established aviation schools courses of instruction for military personnel, including pay- ment of tuition, cost of equipment and supplies necessary for instruc- tion purchase of tools, equipment, materials machines, textbooks, books of reference, scientific and professional papers, instruments, and materials for theoretical and practical instruction; for mainte- nance, repair, storage, and operation of airships, war balloons, and other aerial machines, including instruments, materials, gas plants, hangars, and repair shops, and appliances of every sort and descrip- tion necessary for the operation, construction, or equipment of all types of aircraft, and all necessary spare parts and equipment con- nected therewith and the establishment of landing and take-off run- ways; for purchase of supplies for securing, developing, printing, and reproducing photographs in connection with aerial photog- raphy; improvement, equipment, maintenance, and operation of plants for testing and experimental work, and procuring and intro- ducing water, electric light and power, gas, and sewerage, including maintenance, operation, and repair of such utilities at such plants, for the procurement of helium gas; for travel of officers and enlisted men of the Air Corps by air in connection with the administration of this appropriation, including travel by air or rail required in con- nection with the transportation of new aircraft from factory to first destination; salaries and wages of civilian employees as maybe neces- sary; transportation of materials in connection with consolidation of Air Corps activities; experimental investigations and purchase and development of new types of aircraft, accessories thereto, and aviation engines, including plans, drawings, and specifications thereof; for the purchase, manufacture, and construction of aircraft, including instru- ments and appliances of every sort and description necessary for the operation, construction, or equipment of all types of aircraft, and all necessary spare parts and equipment connected therewith; or the 619 Electrical installa- tions. Civilian employees. Aircraft warning service systems. Instruction, etc., ex penses. Aircraft operatio. etc. Photographlc sup- plies. Helium gas. Ante, p. M. Travel expense Civilian employees. Development of new types of aircraft. Purchase, construe' tion, etc.