Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 56 Part 1.djvu/653

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56 STAT.] 77TH CONG. , 2D SESS.-CH. 477-JULY 2, 1942 MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION, UNITED STATES MILITARY ACADEMY For text and reference books for instruction; increase and expense of library; office equipment and supplies; stationery, blank books, forms, printing and binding, and periodicals; diplomas for graduates; expense of lectures; apparatus equipment, supplies, and materials for purpose of instruction and athletics, and maintenance and repair thereof; musical instruments and maintenance of band; care and maintenance of organ; equipment for cadet mess; postage, telephones, and telegrams; freight and expressage; for commutation of rations for cadets in lieu of the regular established ration; for commutation of rations for civilians employed at cadet mess in the same amount as deducted from each civilian's pay for said rations; maintenance of children's school (not exceeding $12,200); contingencies for super- intendent of the academy, to be expended in his discretion (not to exceed $5,200); expenses of the members of the Board of Visitors (not exceeding $1,500); contingent fund, to be expended under the direction of the Academic Board (not exceeding $1,000); improve- ment, repair, and maintenance of buildings and grounds (including roads, walls, and fences); shooting galleries and ranges; cooking, heating, and lighting apparatus and fixtures and operation and main- tenance thereof; maintenance of water, sewer, and plumbing systems; maintenance of and repairs to cadet camp; fire-extinguishing appara- tus; machinery and tools and repairs of same; maintenance, repair, and operation of motor-propelled vehicles; policing buildings and grounds; furniture, refrigerators, and lockers for Government-owned buildings at the academy and repair and maintenance thereof; fuel for heat, light, and power; pay of employees; and other necessary incidental expenses in the discretion of the superintendent; in all, $4,677,730: Provided, That not to exceed $3,750 of this amount shall be available to liquidate the indebtedness of cadets separated from the service for any reason during their first year, who at the time of their separation are in debt to the cadet store. NATIONAL GUARD For the National Guard, $99,900, which amount shall be available for any of the objects, as may be determined by the War Department, specified in the appropriations for the National Guard in the Military Appropriation Act, 1942. No part of the appropriations made in this Act shall be available for pay, allowances, or traveling or other expenses of any officer or enlisted man of the National Guard who may be drawing a pension, disability allowance, disability compensation, or retired pay (where retirement has been made on account of physical disability or age) from the Government of the United States, or, who, being an officer or enlisted man of the National Guard and eighteen years of age or over at the time the organization to which he was attached was ordered into active military service in the Army of the United States in con- sequence of Public Resolution Numbered 96, Seventy-sixth Congress, approved August 27, 1940, did not enter upon and satisfactorily com- plete such active military service, except (1) officers or enlisted men who were excused by competent authority for the reason that their civil employment was deemed to be of greater value to the National Defense than active military service, and (2) such officers and enlisted men who were unable satisfactorily to complete such active military service because of physical incapacity of a temporary nature growing out of such active military service: Provided, That nothing herein shall be construed as barring the continuance of adjutants general 625 Expenses. Board of Visitors. Contingent fund. Proviso. Liquidation of in- debtedness of certain cadets. Availability. 55 Stat. 385. Restriction on use of funds. 54 Stat. 858. 50 U. S. C., app. H5 401-405; Supp. I, §401. Post, p. 723. Exceptions. Provisos. Status of adjutants general 65714---43 --PT. I-40