Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 56 Part 1.djvu/664

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 479-JULY 2, 1942 Increases allowed. Provisos. Construction equip- ment purchases, etc. Funds available for projects of military or naval importance. 55 Stat. 397. Non-Federal proj- ects. Allocation of cost. Proviso. Projects excepted. Medical, etc., facili- ties. Proviso. Costs borne by proj- ect employees. Fraud, etc., on part of sponsor. Liability. Administrative ex- penses, maximum. "Commissioner") may authorize an increase in the average in cases where the increased cost of materials would have the effect of raising such average above $6 but in no event shall the increase in such average exceed the amount necessary to meet such increase in mate- rial costs and in no event shall such average exceed $7: Provided, That the funds appropriated in this section shall not be used for the purchase of any construction equipment or machinery in any case in which such equipment or machinery can be rented at prices deter- mined by the Commissioner to be reasonable, and his determinations, made in conformity with rules and regulations prescribed by him, shall be final and conclusive: Provided further, That the unobligated balance of the $45,000,000 in section 1 (c) of the Emergency Relief Appropriation Act, fiscal year 1942, may be used by the Commis- sioner to supplement the amounts so authorized for other than labor costs in any State, Territory, possession, or the District of Columbia in connection with the prosecution of projects which have been certi- fied by the Secretary of War, and the Secretary of the Navy, respec- tively, as being important for military or naval purposes. (d) In administering the funds appropriated in this section, not to exceed three-fourths of the total cost of all non-Federal projects approved after January 1, 1940, to be undertaken within any State, Territory, possession, or the District of Columbia, with respect to which any such funds are used, shall be borne by the United States, and not less than one-fourth of such total cost shall be borne by the State and its political subdivisions, or by the Territory, possession, or the District of Columbia, as the case may be: Provided, That the provisions of this subsection shall not apply to projects (1) which have been certified by the Secretary of War and the Secretary of the Navy, respectively, as being important for military or naval pur- poses, or (2) which authorize necessary temporary measures to avert danger to life, property, or health in the event of disaster or grave emergency caused by war, flood, storm, fire, earthquake, drought, or similar cause. The facts constituting compliance with the require- ments of this subsection shall be determined by the Commissioner, and his determinations, made in conformity with rules and regula- tions prescribed by him, shall be final and conclusive. (e) The funds appropriated in section 1 (a) hereof shall be avail- able to provide, under regulations to be prescribed by the Commis- sioner, for medical and hospital facilities for work-camp-project employees and burial expenses of deceased work-camp-project employees, incluling the transportation of remains to place of burial: Provided, That deductions shall be made from the earnings of all project employees quartered in such camps in an amount sufficient to offset the estimated cost to the United States for furnishing the foregoing. (f) When it is found that as a result of bad faith, fraud, or mis- representation on the part of the sponsor, any land, building, struc- ture, facility, or other project, or any part thereof, upon which funds appropriated in this joint resolution have been expended, is used, transferred, or disposed of without retention and control for public use, the sponsor of the project and the person or organization to which the land, building, structure, facility, or project has been sold, leased, or given, shall be liable jointly and severally, upon demand of the Commissioner or his duly authorized representative, to pay over to the United States an amount equal to the amount of Federal funds expended on such land, building, structure, facility, or project. (g) The amount which may be obligated for administrative expenses of the Work Projects Administration in the District of Columbia and in the field shall not exceed in the aggregate the sum 636 [56 STAT.