Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 56 Part 1.djvu/702

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 516-JULY 22, 1942 Demonstrations in Texas. Proriso. Poultry feeding and breeding. Beltsville, Md. , sta- tion. Provisos. Contagious abortion of animals. Rabies, fees for di- agnoses. Provisos. Indemnities for de- stroyed animals. State, etc., coopera- tion. Limitation on amount of compensa- tion. General administrative expenses: For necessary expenses for gen- eral administrative purposes, including the salary of Chief of Bureau and other personal services in the District of Columbia, $172,000. Animal husbandry: For investigations and experiments'in animal husbandry; for experiments in animal feeding and breeding, including cooperation with the State agricultural experiment stations and other agencies, including repairs and additions to and erection of buildings absolutely necessary to carry on the experiments, $811,000, including $12,500 for livestock experiments and demonstrations at Big Spring or elsewhere in Texas, to be available only when the State of Texas, or other cooperating agency in Texas, shall have appropriated an equal amount or, in the opinion of the Secretary of Agriculture, shall have furnished its equivalent in value in cooperation for the same purpose during the fiscal year for which appropriations are herein made: Provided, That of the sum thus appropriated $242,580 may be used for experiments in poultry feeding and breeding, of which amount $45,000 may be used in cooperation with State author- ities in the administration of regulations for the improvement of poultry, poultry products, and hatcheries. Diseases of animals: For scientific investigations of diseases of ani- mals, including the construction of necessary buildings at Beltsville, Maryland, and necessary expenses for investigations of tuberculin, serums, antitoxins, and analogous products, $715,000: Provided,That of said sum $265,182 may be used for researches concerning the cause, modes of spread, and methods of treatment and prevention of the disease of contagious abortion of animals: Provided further, That fees shall be charged for all diagnoses in connection with rabies, except those performed for agencies of the United States Government, m such amounts as the Secretary of Agriculture shall prescribe, and such fees shall be covered into the Treasury as miscellaneous receipts. Eradicating tuberculosis and Bang's disease: For the control and eradication of the diseases of tuberculosis and paratuberculosis of ani- mals, avian tuberculosis, and Bang's disease of cattle, $3,575,669, together with $1,450,000 of the unobligated balance of the appropria- tion made under this head for the fiscal year 1940, and $1,013,331 of the unexpended balances of appropriations heretofore made for eradi- cation of foot-and-mouth and other contagious diseases of animals, in all, including reappropriations, $6,039,000: Provided, That in carry- ing out the purpose of this appropriation, if in the opinion of the Secretary of Agriculture it shall be necessary to condemn and destroy tuberculous or paratuberculous cattle, or cattle reacting to the test for Bang's disease, and if such animals have been destroyed, con- demned, or die after condemnation, he may, in his discretion, and in accordance with such rules and regulations as he may prescribe, expend in the city of Washington or elsewhere such sums as he shall determine to be necessary for the payment of indemnities to owners of such animals but, except as hereinafter provided, no part of the money hereby appropriated shall be used in compensating owners of such cattle except in cooperation with and supplementary to payments to be made by State, Territory, county, or municipality where condemnation of such cattle shall take place, nor shall any payment be made hereunder as compensation for or on account of any such animal if at the time of inspection or test, or at the time of condemnation thereof, it shall belong to or be upon the premises of any person, firm, or corporation to which it has been sold, shipped, or delivered for the purpose of being slaughtered: Provided further, That out of the money hereby appropriated no payment as compen- sation for any cattle condemned for slaughter shall exceed one-third of the difference between the appraised value of such cattle and the 674 [56 STAT.