Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 56 Part 1.djvu/781

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56 STAT.] 77TH CONG. , 2D SESS.--CHS. 560, 561 -SEPT. 16, 1942 753 States, he shall so proclaim; and thirty days after such proclamation, the suspension of section 2470 (a) (2) of the Internal Revenue Code, shall terminate. SEC. 2. This Act shall become effective the day following its enact- Efective period. ment, and shall terminate on June 30,1944. Approved, September 16, 1942. [CHAPTER 561] AN ACT September 16, 1942 To provide for a method of voting, in time of war, by members of the land and [H. R . 7416] naval forces absent from the place of their residence. [Public Law 712] Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SPECIAL METHOD OF VOTING IN TIME OF WAR SECTION 1. In time of war, notwithstanding any provision of State law relating to the registration of qualified voters, every individual absent from the place of his residence and serving in the land or naval forces of the United States, including the members of the Army Nurse Corps, the Navy Nurse Corps, the Women's Navy Reserve, and the Women's Army Auxiliary Corps, who is or was eligible to register for and is qualified to vote at any election under the law of the State of his residence, shall be entitled, as provided in this Act, to vote for electors of President and Vice President of the United States, United States Senators, and Representatives in Congress. SEC. 2 . No person in military service in time of war shall be required, as a condition of voting in any election for President, Vice President, electors for President or Vice President, or for Senator or Member of the House of Representatives, to pay any poll tax or other tax or make any other payment to any State or political sub- division thereof. APPLICATION FOR OFFICIAL WAR BALLOTS SEC. 3. Every nember of the land or naval forces of the United States absellt froln the place of his residelnce may make request of the secretary of state of the State of his residence for a ballot suitableo for use in voting in accolrdance with tie provisions of this Act. The Secretary of War and the Secretary of the Navy shall callse to be printed and distributed to such members of the land and naval forces an adequate number of post cards which shall be used by each such lmember in making such request. All such post cards shall be trans- mnitted free of postage in the United States mails. Upon one side of such post card the following shall be printed: .........-. -


(ae Secretary of State of: -------------------- Being on active duty in the armed forces of the United States and desiring to vote in the coming election, I hereby apply for an official war ballot. My home address is--------------------- _ - - - , in the city, town, or village (number and street) of -------------------------. in the county of ---------------------- , in the State of ------------- , and my voting district or precinct to the best of my knowledge is ---.--


I desire that the ballot be sent to me at the following address: ---------

--- --


(Signed) Signature certified by: (To be signed by any commissioned officer) 65714°- 43-PT . I 48 Absentee voting by members of land and naval forces. Poll-tax exemption. Use of ispst eards In requllestilg ballots.