Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 56 Part 1.djvu/827

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56 STAr.] 77TH CONG. , 2D SESS.-CH. 619-OCT. 21 , 1942 799 Sec. 137. Exemption of employees' voluntary beneficiary associations (sec. 101). Sec. 138. Denial of capital loss carry-over to section 102 companies (sec. 102 (d) (1)). Sec. 139. Compensation for services rendered for a period of thirty-six months or more (sec. 107). Sec. 140. Certain fiscal year taxpayers (sec. 108). Sec. 141. Western Hemisphere trade corporations (sec. 109). Sec. 142. Nonrecognition of loss and determination of basis in case of certain railroad reorganizations (sec. 112 (b)). Sec. 143 . Basis of gifts (sec. 113 (a)). Sec. 144. Basis of property in case of optional value for estate tax purposes (sec. 113 (a) (5),). Sec. 145. Percentage depletion for coal, fluorspar, ball and sagger clay, rock asphalt, and metal mines and sulphur (sec. 114 (b) (4)). Sec. 146. Effect on earnings and profits of wash sale losses (sec. 115 (1)). Sec. 147. Distributions in liquidation (sec. 115 (c)). Sec. 148. Income from sources without United States in certain cases (sec. 116 (a)). Sec. 149. Reciprocal exemption of compensation of employees of the Common- wealth of the Philippines (sec. 116 (h)). Sec. 150. Capital gains and losses (sec. 117). Sec. 151. Real property; involuntary conversions; etc. (sec. 117). Sec. 152. Holding period of stock acquired through exercise of rights (sec. 117 (h)). Sec. 153 . Two-year carry-back of net operating losses (sec. 122 (b)). Sec. 154 . Commodity credit loans (sec. 123). Sec. 155 . Extension of deduction for amortization of emergency facilities (sec. 124). - Sec. 156. War losses. Sec. 157. Recovery of unconstitutional Federal taxes. Sec. 158 . Foreign tax credit (sec. 131). Sec. 159. Extension of consolidated returns privilege to certain corporations (sec. 141). Sec. 160 . Aliens and foreign corporations treated as nonresidents (secs. 143 and 144). Sec. 161. Deductions for estate tax and income tax of estate (sec. 162). Sec. 162 . Pension trusts (sec. 165). Sec. 163 . Life insurance companies (sec. 201). Sec. 164. Insurance companies other than life or mutual and mutual marine insurance companies (sec. 204). Sec. 165. Mutual insurance companies other than life or marine (sec. 207). Sec. 166. Technical amendment to definition of "dividend" (sec. 115 (a)). Sec. 167. Transactions in stocks, securities, and commodities not considered en- gaging in trade or business in certain cases (sec. 211 (b)). Sec. 168. Period for filing petition extended in certain cases (sec. 272 (a)). Sec. 169. Statute of limitations on refunds and credits (sec. 322). Sec. 170. Regulated investment companies (Supplement Q). Sec. 171. Amendments to Supplement R (sec. 371). Sec. 172. Temporary income tax on individuals. PART II-PERSONAL HOLDING COMPANIES Po.,p.94. Sec. 181. Rates of personal holding company tax (sec. 500). Sec. 182. Exemption of certain corporations from personal holding company tax (sec. 501 (b)). Sec. 183 . Consolidated income (sec. 501 (c)). Sec. 184. Computation of undistributed Subchapter A net income (sec. 504). Sec. 185 . Deficiency dividends of personal holding companies (sec. 506). Sec. 186. Distributions by personal holding companies (sec. 115 (a)). TITLE II-Excss PROFITrrs TAX P, P. 899. PART I-EXCESS PROFITS TAX AMENDMENTS Sec. 201. Taxable years to which amendments applicable. Sec. 202 . Rate of excess profits tax (sec. 710 (a)). Sec. 203. Certain fiscal year taxpayers (sec. 710 (a)). Sec. 204 . Two-year carry-back of unused excess profits credit (sec. 710 (c)). Sec. 205. Computation of excess profits and invested capital of insurance com- panies (sec. 711 (a)). Sec. 206. Technical amendments made necessary by change in base for corpora- tion tax (sec. 711 (a)). Sec. 207. Capital gains and losses in the computation of excess profits net income (sec. 711 (a)).