Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 56 Part 1.djvu/88

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 46 -FEB . 7, 1942 Antiaircraft defense, shore stations. Machine tools, plant appliances, etc. Provio. Tableware, etc., In officers' quarters. Expediting produc- tion. Machinery and ma- chine tools. Schools at ordnance stations. and services, at home and abroad for the maintenance, repair altera- tion, and operation of naval vessels and district and yard craft; searchlights and fire-control equipment for antiaircraft defense at shore stations; maintenance and operation of the Naval Communica- tion Service (including teletype), the experimental model basin, Carderock, Maryland, and the engineering experiment station, Annapolis, Maryland, including maintenance and equipment of build- ings and grounds and appurtenances; purchase, installation, repair, and preservation of machine tools, plant appliances, and equipment (including furniture in industrial activities) in naval establishments or private plants; pay of employees assigned to group IV (b) and those performing similar services carried under native and alien schedules in the Schedule of Wages for Civil Employees in the Field Service of the Navy Department; accident prevention; incidental expenses for naval vessels, navy yards and stations, and other activi- ties under the cognizance of the Bureau of Ships, such as photograph- ing, plans, stationery, drafting instruments and other material; and technical books and publications for said Bureau; $958,979,935: Pro- vided, That no part of this or any other appropriation contained in this Act shall be available for or on account of the supply or replace- ment of table linen, dishes, glassware silver, and kitchen utensils for use in the residences or quarters of oficers on shore, except for messes temporarily set up on shore for officers attached to seagoing or district defense vessels, to aviation units based on seagoing vessels, to the fleet air bases, to the submarine bases, or to landing forces and expeditions. BUREAU OF ORDNANCE ORDNANCE AND ORDNANCE STORES, NAVY For procuring, producing, preserving, and handling ordnance mate- rial for the armament of ships and aircraft; for the purchase and manufacture of torpedoes and appliances; for the purchase and manufacture of smokeless powder; for fuel, material, and labor to be used in the general work under the cognizance of the Bureau of Ordnance; for essential equipment, facilities, and services at naval or private establishments to expedite the production of ordnance mate- rial; for furniture at naval ordnance shore activities; for technical books and periodicals; for plant appliances as now defined by the "Navy Classification of Accounts"; for machinery and machine tools; for accident prevention; for experimental work in connection with the development of ordnance material for the Navy; for maintenance of naval ordnance shore activities; for target practice, not to exceed $20,000 for minor improvements to buildings, grounds, and appur- tenances of a character which can be performed by regular station labor; for services of employees assigned to group IV (b) and those performing similar services carried under native and alien schedules in the Schedule of Wages for Civil Employees in the Field Service of the Navy Department; for payment of part-time or intermittent employment in the District of Columbia, or elsewhere, of such scien- tists and technicists as may be contracted for by the Secretary of the Navy in his discretion at a rate of pay not exceeding $25 per diem for any person so employed, and payment of the travel expenses of such persons if they be members of the Naval Reserve ordered to active duty; for the maintenance, repair, and operation of horse- drawn and motor-propelled freight and passenger-carrying vehicles at naval ordnance shore activites; and for care and operation of schools at ordnance stations at Indianhead, Maryland; Dahlgren, Virginia; South Charleston, West Virginia; and Hawthorne, Nevada; $2,954,165,413. [56 STAT.