Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 56 Part 2.djvu/288

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2. The prohibition of the impor- tation of any species of fauna or flora or any part thereof protected by the country of origin unless accompanied by a certificate of lawful exportation as provided for in Paragraph 1 of this Article. ARTICLE X 1. The terms of this convention shall in no way be interpreted as replacing international agreements previously entered into by one or more of the High Contracting Powers. 2. The Pan American Union shall notify the Contracting Parties of any information relevant to the purposes of the present Conven- tion communicated to it by any national museums or by any or- ganizations, national or inter- national, established within their jurisdiction and interested in the purposes of the Convention. ARTICLE XI 1. The original of the present Convention in Spanish, English, Portuguese and French shall be deposited with the Pan American Union and opened for signature by the American Governments on October 12, 1940. 2. The present Convention shall remain open for signature by the American Governments. The in- struments of ratification shall be deposited with the Pan American Union, which shall notify their receipt and the dates thereof, and the terms of any accompanying declarations or reservations, to all participating Governments. 2. Prohibici6n de las impor- taciones de cualquier ejemplar de fauna o flora protegido por el pafs de origen, o parte alguna del mismo, si no esta acompafiado de un certificado expedido de acuerdo con las disposiciones del Parrafo 1 de este Artfculo, autorizando su exportaci6n. ARTfCULO X 1. Las disposiciones de la pre- sente Convenci6n no reemplazan los acuerdos internacionales cele- brados previamente por una o mas de las altas partes contratantes. 2. La Uni6n Panamericana suministrarA a los Gobiernos Con- tratantes toda informaci6n perti- nente a los fines de la presente Convenci6n que le sea comunicada por cualquier museo nacional, u organismo nacional o internacional, creado dentro de sus jurisdicciones e interesado en los fines quo persigue la Convenci6n. ARTfCULO XI 1. El original de la presente Convenci6n en espafiol, ingles, portugues y frances sera deposi- tado en la Uni6n Panamericana y abierto a la firma de los Gobiernos Americanos el 12 de octubre de 1940. 2. La presente Convenci6n que- darA abierta a la firma de los Gobiernos Americanos. Los ins- trumentos de ratificaci6n deran depositados en la Uni6n Panameri- cana, la cual notificara el dep6sito y la fecha del mismo, asi como el texto de cualquier declaraci6n o reserva que los acompafie, a todos los Gobiernos Americanos. Prior agreements not replaced. Communication of information by Pan American Union. Deposit of original convention. Convention to re- main open for sig- nature. Deposit of instru- ments of ratification. [56 STAT. TREATIES