Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 56 Part 2.djvu/304

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TReATIES It shall be unnecessary for the grantee of a power of attorney to signify therein his acceptance of the mandate; such acceptance be- ing conclusively presumed by the grantee's acting under the power. AmriuLO III No es menester para la eficacia del poder que el mandatario mani- fieste en el propio acto su acepta- ci6n. ]ista resultara del ejercicio mismo del poder. ARTICLE IV ARTicLWo IV Special powers of attorney to authorize acts of ownership granted in any of the countries of the Pan American Union, for use in another member country, must specify in concrete terms the na- ture of the powers conferred, to enable the grantee to exercise all the rights necessary for the proper execution of the power with re- spect to property as well as to the taking of all necessary steps before the tribunals or administrative authorities in defense thereof. General powers of attorney for the administration of property shall be sufficient, if expressly granted with that general char- acter, to empower the grantee to consummate all manner of admin- istrative acts, including the prose- cution and defense of law suits and administrative and judicial proceedings, in connection with the administration of the prop- erty. En los poderes especiales para ejercer actos de dominio que se otorguen en cualquiera de los paises de la Uni6n Panamericana, para obrar en otro de ellos, sera preciso que se determine concreta- mente el mandato a fin de que el apoderado tenga todas las facul- tades necesarias para el habil cum- plimiento del mismo, tanto en lo relative a los bienes como a toda clase de gestiones ante los tribu- nales o autoridades administra- tivas a fin de defenderlos. En los poderes generales para administrar bienes bastara expre- sar que se confieren con ese carac- ter para que el apoderado tenga toda clase de facultades adminis- trativas, inclusive las necesarias para pleitos y procedimientos ad- ministrativos y judiciales refe- rentes a la administraci6n. General powers of attorney for lawsuits, collections or adminis- trative or judicial proceedings, when so worded as to indicate that they confer all general powers and all such special powers as, accord- ing to the law, ordinarily require a special clause, shall be deemed to En los poderes generales para pleitos, cobranzas o procedimien- tos administrativos o judiciales, bastara que se diga que se otorgan con todas las facultades generales y las especiales que requieran clausula especial, conforme a la ley, para que se entiendan confe- Presumption of ac- ceptance. Special powers of at- torney. General powers of attorney. [56 STAT. 1384