Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 56 Part 2.djvu/308

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not prevail when the registration or protocolization of such instru- ments is required by the law as a special formality in specific cases. ARTICLE VIII Any person who may, pursuant to the pertinent legislation, in- tervene or become a party in a judicial or administrative proceed- ing for the defense of his interests, may be represented by a volunteer, on condition, however, that such representative shall furnish the necessary legal authority in writ- ing, or that, pending the due sub- stantiation of his authority, such representative shall furnish bond, at the discretion of the competent tribunal or administrative author- ity, to respond for the costs or damages which his action may occasion. cio de que se practique el registro o la protocolizaci6n cuando asi lo exija la ley como formalidad espe- cial en determinados casos. ARTicULo VIII Calquiera persona que de acuer- do con la ley pueda intervenir o hacerse parte en un procedimiento judicial o administrativo para la defensa de sus intereses, podra ser representada por un gestor, a con- dici6n de que dicho gestor presente por escrito el poder legal necesario, o de que, mientras no se acredi- te debidamente la personeria, el gestor preste fianza o cauci6n a discreci6n del tribunal o de la autoridad administrativa que co- nozca del negocio, para responder de las costas o de los perjuicios que pueda causar la gesti6n. AMTICLE IX In the case of powers of attor- ney, executed in any of the coun- tries of the Pan American Union in accordance with the foregoing provisions, to be utilized in any other member country of the Union, notaries duly commis- sioned as such under the laws of their respective countries shall be deemed to have authority to exer- cise functions and powers equiva- lent to those accorded to native notaries by the laws and regula- tions of (name of country), with- out prejudice, however, to the necessity of protocolization of the instrument in the cases referred to in article VII. ARTICULO IX En los casos de poderes formali- zados en cualquier pais de la Uni6n Panamericana, con arreglo a las disposiciones que anteceden, para ser ejercidos en cualquiera de los otros paises de la misma Uni6n, los notarios debidamente constituf- dos como tales conforme a las leyes del respectivo pals, se estimarin capacitados para ejercer funciones y atribuciones equivalentes a las conferidas a los notarios por las leyes de (nombre del pais), sin perjuicio, sin embargo, de la ne- cesidad de protocolizar el instru- mento en los casos a que se refiere el articulo VII. ARTICL X ARTicuLO X What has been said in the fore- Lo que en los articulos anteriores going articles with respect to se dice respecto de los notarios, se Representation in judicial or administra- tive proceeding. Notaries. TREATIES [56 STAT.