Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 56 Part 2.djvu/359

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1440 INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [56 STAT. 8. This agreement does not imply any modification of the existing interchange agreements between the different depart- ments and official agencies of the two Governments. Your Excellency added that in the event that my Government agreed with the terms of the proposal outlined above, the agreement would take effect as from the date on which Your Excellency received the return note from this Legation and that the duration of the agree- ment would be for an indefinite period, but it may be abrogated on three months' notice. In accordance with the preceding paragraph, I have to state that the American Government will consider the agreement as being in effect as from this date. I avail myself of this opportunity to renew to Your Excellency the assurances of my highest and most distinguished consideration. ALLAN DAWSON Charge d'Affaires ad interim. Enclosures: List No. 1 in Spanish. List No. 2 in English. His Excellency Dr. JUsTo RODAS EGUINO, Acting Ministerfor Foreign Affairs, La Paz. LISTA N° 1. OBRAS Y PUBLICACIONES OFICIALES DE BOLIVIA QUE SERVIRAN PARA CANJEAR CON EL GOBIERNO DE LOS ESTADOS UNIDOS DE AMERICA: 1. -M INISTERIO DE RELACIONES EXTERIORES: a) Boletfn Oficial. b) Memoria anual que presenta al Honorable Congreso Nacional. c) Anexos a la Memoria anual que presenta al Honorable Congreso Nacional. d) Tres primeros Tomos de Tratados Vigentes Colectivos de Bolivia. Afios 1856 a 1941. Edici6n de 1941. e) Pr6ximo a publicarse: Dos Tomos de Tratados Bilaterales de Bolivia. Afios 1831 a 1941. Edici6n 1941. 2. - M I N ISTERIO DE HACIENDA Y ESTADfSTICA: a) Direcci6n General de Estadistica: a) Comercio Exterior de Bolivia, 1940. b) Estadfstica demografica. c) " financiera. d) " agropecuaria (por anos agrfcolas). e) " de industria fabril. f) " de transportes, comunicaciones y balances mineros. g) Boletines Mensuales (estadisticas generales). h) Direcci6n General de Aduanas: Revista. i) Direcci6n General de Impuestos Internos: Boletin. j) Superintendencia Nacional de Bancos: Memoria Anual. k) Direcci6n General de Presupuestos: Presupuesto General de la Naci6n. Publicaci6n anual.