Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 56 Part 2.djvu/399

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [56 STAT. (c) The Canadian Government shall not accept enlistments in the United States from United States citizens subject to registration or from aliens of any nationality who have declared their intention of becoming United States citizens and are subject to registration. 3. The policy of the Canadian Government and Canadian legislation have been based on the assumption that measures applying compulsory military service to aliens should be founded upon agreement with the interested Governments. The Canadian Government is of the opinion that difficulties might arise if there were general recognition of a right to conscript aliens, implying corresponding rights in other countries to conscript Canadian nationals. The Canadian Government, how- ever, does not wish to raise a legal objection at the present time. In view of the close cooperation between Canada and the United States in the prosecution of the war, and in view of the time that will be saved and of the other undoubted, practical advantages to be derived from the acceptance of these United States proposals, the Canadian Government is prepared to cooperate with the Government of the United States by participating in the regime set forth above, full reciprocity on all points being assured by the United States Govern- ment. 4. The Canadian Government agrees to stipulation (a) on the under- standing that the United States Government is willing, if requested, to make a reciprocal promise. It is understood, of course, that the engagement set out in stipulation (a) is limited to the present case and, furthermore, that it is not intended to prevent the Canadian Govern- ment from declaring the legal liability of Canadians everywhere, in- cluding the United States, to serve in the Canadian Forces, so long as nothing is said or done by the Canadian Government in the United States by way of threat or compulsion. The reason for this reserva- tion is that Canada may decide in the future to create a general legal liability of Canadians abroad to serve in the Canadian Forces similar to the existing provision in the United States Selective Training and Service Act imposing a liability on United States citizens everywhere. If Canada creates such a liability, the Canadian Government would not wish to exclude any part of the globe. 5. The Canadian Government agrees to stipulation (b) on the under- standing, firstly, that the United States Government is agreeable to the Canadian Government imposing a liability to compulsory military service on United States citizens residing in Canada, and secondly, that declarant United States citizens in Canada, like declarant Cana- dian nationals in the United States, will not be granted an opportunity of electing to serve in the armed forces of the country of which they are nationals. 6. The Canadian Government agrees to stipulation (c) on a basis of reciprocity, that is, that the United States will not accept enlist- ments in Canada from Canadian nationals or from declarant aliens of any nationality who may be subject to liability to compulsory military service under Canadian law.