Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 56 Part 2.djvu/433

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [56 STAT. accorded to the like articles the growth, produce or manufacture of any third country. The fore- going provisions shall also extend to the application of such control to payments necessary for or inci- dental to the importation of arti- cles the growth, produce or manu- facture of the other country. In general, the control shall be ad- ministered so as not to influence to the disadvantage of the other country the competitive relation- ships between articles the growth, produce or manufacture of the territories of that country and like articles the growth, produce or manufacture of third countries. ARTICLE V 1. In the event that the Gov- ernment of the United States of America or the Government of the Republic of Peru establishes or maintains a monopoly for the im- portation, production or sale of a particular article or grants exclu- sive privileges, formally or in effect, to one or more agencies to import, produce or sell a particular article, the Government of the country establishing or maintaining such monopoly, or granting such exclu- sive privileges, agrees that in re- spect of the foreign purchases of such monopoly or agency the com- merce of the other country shall be accorded fair and equitable treatment. To this end such mo- nopoly or agency will, in making its foreign purchases of any article, be influenced solely by considerations, such as price, quality, marketabil- ity and terms of sale, which would ordinarily be taken into account by a private commercial enter- prise interested solely in purchas- ing on the most favorable terms. dado a los articulos similares cul- tivados, producidos o manufac- turados de cualquier tercer pafs. Las disposiciones precedentes se extenderan a la aplicaci6n del con- trol de los pagos necesarios para o concernientes a la importaci6n de los articulos cultivados, produci- dos o manufacturados en el otro pals. En general, el control se aplicarA de manera que no sea en perjuicio del otro pais en lo que respecta a la competencia entre los articulos cultivados, producidos o manufacturados en los territo- rios de ese pais y los articulos similares cultivados, producidos o manufacturados en terceros pafses. ARTICULO V 1. En caso de que el Gobierno de los Estados Unidos de America o el Gobierno de la Repfblica del Peru establezca o mantenga un monopolio para la importaci6n, producci6n o venta de un articulo determinado u otorgue privilegios exclusivos, oficialmente o de hecho, a uno o mas organismos para im- portar, producir o vender un artf- culo determinado, el Gobierno del pais que establezca o mantenga dicho monopolio o conceda dichos privilegios, conviene que el comer- cio del otro pafs recibira un trata- mientojustoy equitativo con res- pecto a las compras en el extran- jero de dicho monopolio u organis- mo. A ese efecto dicho monopo- lio u organismo, al efectuar sus compras de cualquier articulo en el extranjero, se guiara umicamente por consideraciones tales como pre- cio, calidad, posibilidades de com- pra-venta y condiciones de venta, que habitualmente tomaria en cuenta una empresa comercial pri- vada interesada solamente en com- prar en las condiciones mas favo- rables. Monopolies.