Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 56 Part 2.djvu/668

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [56 STAT. ments of the United Kingdom and Germany are terminated, such special facilities must be continued. The conversations to which I have referred have disclosed a mutual understanding which is as follows: (1) The Government of the United States will not invoke the pro- Ante, p. 1687. visions of Article I of the Trade Agreement signed this day for the purpose of obtaining the benefit of tariff preferences meeting the requirements of the aforementioned formula recommended by the Inter-American Financial and Economic Advisory Committee which Argentina may accord to a contiguous country, it being understood that if any such preference should be extended by Argentina to any noncontiguous country it would be extended immediately and un- conditionally to the United States; (2) the Government of the United Ate, pp. 1689, 1690. States will not invoke the provisions of Articles III and IV of the Trade Agreement for the purpose of obtaining the benefit of any exchange or quota preferences accorded by Argentina to contiguous countries and Peru on the understanding that such preferences shall cease when the present hostilities between the Governments of the United King- dom and Germany shall have terminated, except as may be otherwise agreed upon by the Governments of the United States and the Ar- gentine Republic upon the recommendation of the mixed commission Ante, p. 167. provided for in the second paragraph of Article XII of the Trade Agreement. Accept, Mr. Ambassador, the renewed assurance of my highest consideration. E. Ruiz GUINAZT The Honorable NORMAN ARMOUR Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United States of America. The Argentine Minister of ForeignAffairs and Worship to the American Ambassador MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS AND WORSHIP BUENOS AIRES, October 14, 1941 MR. AMBASSADOR: I have the honor to refer to the discussions during the course of the negotiations of the Trade Agreement between our two Governments signed this day regarding the provisions of the Agreement which provide for nondiscriminatory treatment by each country to the trade of the other. During the negotiations of the Agreement, the representatives of the United States Government have emphasized the great importance which that Government attaches to these provisions. The represent- atives of the Argentine Government have stated, on their part, that