Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 57 Part 1.djvu/107

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 115 -JUNE 2, 1943 17 Stat. 545; 20 Stat. 281; 45 Stat. 1307; 54 Stat. 142. Confederate ceme- teries. Commercial ceme- teries. Encroachment by railroad. Roadway repairs. Report to Congress. Contracts advertising. 41U. S.C. 25 Stat. 423 33U.S.C 623. unmarked graves of soldiers, sailors, and marines under the Acts approved March 3, 1873, February 3, 1879, February 26, 1929, and April 18, 1940 (24 U. S . C . 279-280b), and civilians interred in post cemeteries; for repairs and preservation of monuments, tablets, roads, fences, and so forth, made and constructed by the United States in Cuba and China to mark the places where American soldiers fell; care, protection, and maintenance of the Confederate Mound in Oakwood Cemetery at Chicago, the Confederate Stockade Cemetery at Johnstons Island, the Confederate burial plats owned by the United States in Confederate Cemetery at North Alton, the Confederate Cemetery, Camp Chase, at Columbus, the Confederate Cemetery at Point Look- out, and the Confederate Cemetery at Rock Island; and for care and maintenance of graves used by the Army for burials in commercial cemeteries, $1,230,058: Provided,That no railroad shall be permitted upon any right-of-way which may have been acquired by the United States leading to a national cemetery, or to encroach upon any roads or walks constructed thereon and maintained by the United States: Providedfurther, That no part of this appropriation shall be used for repairing any roadway not owned by the United States within the corporate limits of any city, town, or village. SIGNAL CORPS ALASKA COMMUNICATION SYSTEM For operation, maintenance, and improvement of the Alaska Communication System, including travel allowances and travel in kind as authorized by law, and operation and maintenance of passenger-carrying vehicles, $227,840, to be derived from the receipts of the Alaska Communication System which have been covered into the Treasury of the United States, and to remain available until the close of the fiscal year 1945: Provided, That the Secretary of War shall report to Congress the extent and cost of any extensions and betterments which may be effected under this appropriation. CORPS OF ENGINEERS RIVERS AND HARBORS AND FLOOD CONTROL To be immediately available and to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of War and the supervision of the Chief of Engineers, without and to remain available until expended: Provided. That any appro- priation for civil functions under the Corps of Engineers for the fiscal year 1944 shall be available for contracting in such manner as the Secretary of War may determine to be in the public interest without 1 5 . regard to the provisions of section 3709 of the Revised Statutes or '. 622, section 3 of the River and Harbor Act of August 11, 1888. Post, pp. 544, 631. Maintenance, etc. California D6bris Commision. 27 Stat. 807. RIVERS AND HARBORS For the preservation and maintenance of existing river and harbor works, and for the prosecution of such projects heretofore authorized as may be most desirable in the interests of commerce and navigation; for survey of northern and northwestern lakes and other boundary and connecting waters as heretofore authorized, including the prepara- tion, correction, printing, and issuing of charts and bulletins and the investigation of lake levels; for prevention of obstructive and injurious deposits within the harbor and adjacent waters of New York City; for expenses of the California Debris Commission in carrying on the work authorized by the Act approved March 1, 1893, as amended [57 STAT. 94