Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 57 Part 1.djvu/178

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57 STAT.] 78TH CONG., IsT SESS.-CH. 144-JUNE 25, 1943 or delayed by such interruption, and that the exercise of such power and authority is necessary to insure the operation of such plant, mine. or facility in the interest of the war effort: Provided, That whenever any such plant, mine, or facility has been or is hereafter so taken by reason of a strike, lock-out, threatened strike, threatened lock-out, work stoppage, or other cause, such plant, mine, or facility shall be returned to the owners thereof as soon as practicable, but in no event more than sixty days after the restoration of the pro- ductive efficiency thereof prevailing prior to the taking of possession thereof: Provided further, That possession of any plant, mine, or facility shall not be taken under authority of this section after the termination of hostilities in the present war, as proclaimed by the President, or after the termination of the War Labor Disputes Act; and the authority to operate any such plant, mine, or facility under the provisions of this section shall terminate at the end of six months after the termination of such hostilities as so proclaimed." TERMS OF EMPLOYMENT AT GOVERNMENT-OPERATED PLANTS SEC. 4. Except as provided in section 5 hereof, in any case in which possession of any plant, mine, or facility has been or shall be hereafter taken under the authority granted by section 9 of the Selective Train- ing and Service Act of 1940, as amended, such plant, mine, or facility, while so possessed, shall be operated under the terms and conditions of employment which were in effect at the time possession of such plant, mine, or facility was so taken. APPLICATION TO WAR LABOR BOARD FOR CHANGE IN TERMS OF EMPLOYMENT AT GOVERNMENT-OPERATED PLANTS SEC. 5. When possession of any plant, mine, or facility has been or shall be hereafter taken under authority of section 9 of the Selective Training and Service Act of 1940, as amended, the Government agency operating such plant, mine, or facility, or a majority of the employees of such plant, mine, or facility or their representatives, may apply to the National War Labor Board for a change in wages or other terms or conditions of employment in such plant, mine, or facility. Upon receipt of any such application, and after such hearings and investi- gations as it deems necessary, such Board may order any changes in such wages, or other terms and conditions, which it deems to be fair and reasonable and not in conflict with any Act of Congress or any Executive order issued thereunder. Any such order of the Board shall, upon approval by the President, be complied with by the Gov- ernment agency operating such plant, mine, or facility. INTERFERENCE WITH GOVERNMENT OPERATION OF PLANTS SEC. 6. (a) Whenever any plant, mine, or facility is in the posses- sion of the United States, it shall be unlawful for any person (1) to coerce, instigate, induce, conspire with, or encourage any person, to interfere, by lock-out, strike, slow-down, or other interruption, with the operation of such plant, mine, or facility, or (2) to aid any such lock-out, strike, slow-down, or other interruption interfering with the operation of such plant, mine, or facility by giving direction or guid- ance in the conduct of such interruption, or by providing funds for the conduct or direction thereof or for the payment of strike, unemployment, or other benefits to those participating therein. No individual shall be deemed to have violated the provisions of this section by reason only of his having ceased work or having refused to continue to work or to accept employment. Return of property to owners. Termination of au- thority. Post, p. 168. 54 Stat. 892. 50i. S. C. app. 309. Ante, p. 164. 54 Stat. 892. 309. Ante, p. 164. Unlawful acts. Refusal to work not a violation. 165