Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 57 Part 1.djvu/187

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 145 -JUNE 26, 1943 FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION Salaries and expenses: For salaries and expenses of the Federal Communications Commission in performing the duties imposed by 47 U. . C.. 151 - the Communications Act of 1934, approved June 19, 1934 (48 Stat. 609;nStpp.II .1i.5 1064), the Ship Act of 1910, approved June 24, 1910, as amended 36 Stat. 62'u (46 U. S . C . 484-487), the International Radiotelegraphic Convention 1, §484-487 note. (45 Stat., pt. 2, p. 2760), Executive Order Numbered 3513, dated July 9, 1921, as amended under date of June 30, 1934, relating to applications for submarine cable licenses, and the radiotelegraphy provisions of the Convention for Promoting Safety of Life at Sea, 50 stat. 1146 . ratified by the President July 7, 1936, including personal services, contract stenographic reporting services, rental of quarters, news- papers, periodicals, reference books, lawbooks, special counsel fees, supplies and equipment, improvement and care of grounds and repairs to buildings, not to exceed $5,000, purchase and exchange (not to exceed eight), maintenance, operation, and repair of motor-propelled passenger-carrying vehicles for official use in the field, travel expenses, including not exceeding $1,000 for expenses of attendance at meetings which in the discretion of the Commission are necessary for the efficient discharge of its responsibilities, reimbursement to ships of the United States for charges incurred by such ships in transmitting 0 stat.195. information in compliance with section 357 of the Communications 47U.S.C. 37. Act of 1934, as amended, $2,000,000, of which amount not to exceed $1,218,260 may be expended for personal services in the District of Interdepartment Columbia, including compensation of employees of the Interdepart- Radio Advisory Corn- . mittee. ment Radio Advisory Committee. Printing and binding: For printing and binding for the Federal Communications Commission, $19,600. National-defense ac- Salaries and expenses, national defense: For all expenses necessary tiitics. to enable the Federal Communications Commission, without regard 41u.s. . C5. to section 3709 of the Revised Statutes, to perform its functions related to national defense, including radio monitoring and foreign broadcast analysis, including all of the items of expenditure for which the appropriation "Salaries and expenses, Federal Communications Commission", is available and not to exceed $9,000 for salary of Director of the Foreign Broadcast Intelligence Service; not to exceed fifty-six passenger-carrying automobiles; not to exceed $50,000 for the temporary employment of persons or organizations, by contract or otherwise, without regard to the civil service and classification laws and, in the case of language or other experts, without regard to any requirements of this Act with respect to citizenship, where citizens qualified to perform such work are not available; allowances for living quarters, including heat, fuel, and light (not exceeding $1,700 for 4I Stat. 818. any one person), as authorized by the Act approved June 26, 1930 (5 Availability of U. S. C. 118a); and printing and binding, $5,590,314: Provided, That und. upon the expiration of sixty days after the cessation of hostilities between the United States and the principal enemy powers or after the date of an armistice between the United States and the principal enemy powers, this appropriation shall cease to be available for obligations unless Congress shall otherwise provide by law. FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION SALAIES AND EXPENSES For all expenses necessary for the work of the Federal Power Commission as authorized by law except for the work authorized by the Act of June 28, 1938, authorizing the construction of certain 174 [57 STAT.