Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 57 Part 1.djvu/223

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 147-JUNE 26, 1943 Ante, p. 3. Ante, p. 55 . Reimbursement. Ante, p. 55 . Reappropriation. 56 Stat. 233. 46 Stat. 164 . Transportation of dependents. 41 Stat. 824. 34 U. 8. C., Supp. II, § 943. Public Health Serv- ice officers, per diem rates. 43 Stat. 1261 . 40 Stat. 1054 . Post, p. 628 . Reimbursement for personal property. after December 31, 1943, that would entail expenditures in liquidation thereof after December 31, 1945. CONSTRUCTION OF FLOATING DRYDOCKS, NAVY For the construction of mobile floating drydocks, collateral facili- ties, incidental work, and other objects, as authorized by the Act approved February 19, 1943 (Public Law 1), $160,000,000, toward contract authorization granted in title IV, Naval Appropriation Act, 1943, to remain available until expended: Provided, That to the extent of expenditures made prior to July 1, 1943, for purposes under this head, the appropriation "Repair Facilities, Navy" shall be reimbursed. NAVAL EMERGENCY FUND The unobligated balance on June 30, 1943, of the funds appropri- ated under this head in Public 528, Seventy-seventh Congress, approved April 28, 1942, is continued available until June 30, 1944, for objects for which appropriations heretofore have been made. COAST GUARD Office of Commandant: For personal services at the seat of govern- ment, $1,625,000; Pay and allowances: For pay and allowances prescribed by law for commissioned officers, cadets, warrant officers, petty officers, and other enlisted personnel, active and retired, temporary cooks, surfmen, sub- stitute surfmen, and three civilian instructors; retired pay for certain members of the former Life Saving Service authorized by the Act approved April 14, 1930 (14 U. S. C. 178a); not exceeding $10,000 for cash prizes for men for excellence in boatmanship, gunnery, target practice, and engineering competitions; transportation of dependents of Coast Guard personnel on active duty and retired and Reserve officers and of retired and Reserve enlisted personnel, of grades entitled to transportation of dependents in the Regular Coast Guard, when ordered to active duty (other than training) and upon relief therefrom; carrying out the provisions of the Act of June 4, 1920 (34 U. S . C . 943); not to exceed $15,000 for cost of special instruction including books, laboratory equipment and fees, school supplies, and maintenance of students; motion-picture and other equipment for instructional purposes; rations or commutation thereof for cadets, petty officers, and other enlisted personnel, mileage and expenses allowed by law for officers, including per diem rates of allowance, and the Secretary is hereby authorized to prescribe per diem rates of allowance for Public Health Service officers detailed to the Coast Guard as authorized for Coast Guard officers; traveling expenses of other persons traveling on duty under orders from the Navy Depart- ment, including transportation of cadets, enlisted personnel, and applicants for enlistment, with subsistence and transfers en route, or cash in lieu thereof, and traveling expenses for the examinations authorized by the Act entitled "An Act to provide for retirement for disability in the Lighthouse Service", approved March 4, 1925 (33 U. S . C. 765); uniforms, accouterments and equipment for officers and cadets, and the appropriation reimbursed, as provided by law (14 U. S . C. 30); clothing for enlisted personnel authorized by law; civilian clothing, including an overcoat when necessary, the cost of all not to exceed $25 per person to enlisted personnel given discharges for bad conduct, undesirability, unsuitability, or inaptitude; reim- bursement in kind or in cash as authorized by law to persons in the [57 STAT.