Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 57 Part 1.djvu/309

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 182-JULY 1, 1943 Compilation of Coast Pilot. Ukiah and Gaithers- burg observatories. Post, p. 620 . Death gratuity. 56 Stat. 8. 33 U. S. C., Supp. II, § 870. under the jurisdiction of the United States; continuing researches in physical hydrography relating to harbors and bars, and for tidal and current observations on the coasts of the United States or other coasts under the jurisdiction of the United States; compilation of the Coast Pilot, including the employment of pilots and nautical experts; the preparation or purchase of plans and specifications of ves- sels and the employment of hull draftsmen; the reimbursement, under rules prescribed by the Secretary of Commerce, of officers of the Coast and Geodetic Survey for food, clothing, medicines, and other sup- plies furnished for the temporary relief of distressed persons in remote localities and to shipwrecked persons temporarily provided for by them, not to exceed a total of $500 and actual necessary expenses of officers of the field force temporarily ordered to the office in the District of Columbia for consultation with the director, $444,000. Magnetic and seismological work: For continuing magnetic and seismological observations and to establish meridian lines in connec- tion therewith in all parts of the United States; making magnetic and seismological observations in other regions under the jurisdiction of the United States; purchase of additional magnetic and seismological instruments; and lease of sites where necessary and the erection of temporary magnetic and seismological buildings, $80,000. Geodetic control surveys: For continuing lines of exact levels be- tween the Atlantic, Pacific, and Gulf coasts; determining geographic positions by triangulation and traverse to establish the control for a national mapping program, and for the control of Federal, State, boundary, county, city, and other surveys and engineering works in all parts of the United States; including printing and binding and traveling expenses; special geodetic surveys of first-order triangula- tion and leveling in regions subject to earthquakes, not exceeding $10,000; determining field astronomic positions and the variation of latitude, including the maintenance and operation of the latitude observatories at Ukiah, California, and Gaithersburg, Maryland; establishing lines of exact levels, determining geographic positions by triangulation and traverse, and making astronomic observations in Alaska; and continuing gravity observations in the United States and for making such observations in regions under the jurisdiction of the United States and also on islands and coasts adjacent thereto, $374,000. Vessels: For repair of vessels, and replacement of equipment thereon, exclusive of engineers' supplies and other ship chandlery, $85,000. Pay of officers and men on vessels: For all necessary employees to man and equip the vessels, including professional seamen serving as mates on vessels of the Survey, to execute the work of the Survey herein provided for and authorized by law, $630,000. Pay, commissioned officers: For pay and allowances prescribed by law for not to exceed one hundred and seventy-one commissioned officers on the active list and of officers retired in accordance with existing law, including payment of six months' death gratuity as authorized by section 9 of the Act of January 19, 1942 (Public Law 402). $790,000. Office force: For personal services, in the District of Columbia, $1,060,000. Office expenses: For purchase of new instruments (except surveying instruments), including their exchange, materials, equipment, and supplies required in the instrument shop, carpenter shop, and chart division; journals, books of reference, maps, charts, and subscriptions; copper plates, chart paper, printer's ink, copper, zinc, and chemicals for electrotyping and photographing; engraving, printing, photo- 296 [57 STAT.