Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 57 Part 1.djvu/328

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57 STAT.] 78TH CONG. , 1ST SESS.-CH. 184 -JULY 1, 1943 MUNICIPAL ARCHITECT'S OFFICE For personal services, $60,518. All apportionments of appropriations for the use of the munic- ipal architect in payment of personal services employed on construc- tion work provided for by said appropriations shall be based on an amount not exceeding 3 per centum of a total of not more than $2,000,000 of appropriations made for such construction projects and not exceeding 234 per centum of a total of the appropriations in excess of $2,000,000, and appropriations specifically made in this Act for the preparation of plans and specifications shall be deducted from any allowances authorized under this paragraph: Provided, That reimbursements may be made to this fund from appropriations contained in this Act for services rendered other activities of the District government, without reference to fiscal-year limitations on such appropriations. PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION For two commissioners, a People's Counsel, and other personal services, $95,200. For incidental and all other general necessary expenses author- ized by law, including the purchase of newspapers, $3,000. No part of the appropriations contained in this Act shall be used for or in connection with the preparation, issuance, publica- tion, or enforcement of any regulation or order of the Public Utili- ties Commission requiring the installation of meters in taxicabs, or for or in connection with the licensing of any vehicle to be operated as a taxicab except for operation in accordance with such system of uniform zones and rates and regulations applicable thereto as shall have been prescribed by the Public Utilities Commission. DEPARTMENT OF INSURANCE For personal services, $36,820. SURVEYOR'S OFFICE For personal services, $64,210. MINIMUM WAGE AND INDUSTRIAL SAFETY BOARD Salaries and expenses: For all expenses necessary for the Minimum Wage and Industrial Safety Board, created by the Act of October 14, 1941, amending the Act of September 19, 1918, including personal services and printing and binding, $36,630. ZONING COMMISSION For salaries and expenses necessary for the administration of the Act entitled "An Act providing for the zoning of the District of Columbia and the regulation of the location, height, bulk, and uses of buildings and other structures and of the uses of land in the District of Columbia, and for other purposes", approved June 20, 1938, $10,720. COMMISSION ON MENTAL HEALTH For compensation of members of the Commission on Mental Health of the District of Columbia, and other personal services, $21,632: Provided, That the salary of the executive secretary shall be at the rate of $3,200 per annum and the salary of each physician-member shall be at the rate of $3,800 per annum. 315 Reimbursements. Meters in taxicabs; zones and rates. 5 Stat. 738. 40 Stat. 960 . D.C.Codel3f- 401 to 36-422. 52 Stat. 797 . D.C . Code §S 5-43 to 5-428; Supp. II, 5-413 .