Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 57 Part 1.djvu/336

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57 STAT.] 78TH CONG., 1ST SESS.-CH. 184 --JULY 1, 1943 Auxiliary educational services: For the maintenance and instruc- tion of deaf and dumb persons of the District of Columbia admitted to the Columbia Institution for the Deaf and for the maintenance and instruction of colored deaf mutes of teachable age and blind children, of the District of Columbia, in Maryland or some other State, by contract entered into by the Commissioners, and for the transportation of children attending schools or classes established by the Board of Education for physically handicapped children without regard to the limitation specified for streetcar and bus fares under contingent and miscellaneous expenses in this Act, $83,440, to be expended under the supervision of the Board of Education. Teachers' retirement appropriated fund: To carry out the purposes of the Act of January 15, 1920, as amended by the Act of June 11, 1926 (44 Stat. 727), $609,000: Provided, That the Treasury Depart- ment shall prepare the estimates of the annual appropriations required to be made to the teachers' retirement fund, and shall make actuarial valuations of such fund at intervals of five years, or oftener if deemed necessary by the Secretary of the Treasury, and the Com- missioners are authorized to expend from money to the credit of the teachers' retirement fund not exceeding $5,000 per annum for this purpose. The unexpended balance of the appropriation of $20,175 for the maintenance of science laboratories contained in the District of Columbia Appropriation Act for 1943 is continued available for the same purposes during the fiscal year 1944. 323 Deaf and dumb, and blind persons. Transportation of physically handi- capped children. Ante, p. 318 . 41 Stat. 387. D. C. Code §§ 31- 701 to 31-720 . Estimates; actuarial valuations. Science laboratories. 56 Stat. 434. CAPrTAL OUTLAY For permanent improvement of grounds, as follows: Stabilization and drainage of the grounds at the Browne Junior High School and Phelps Vocational School, $25,000. Land for school sites: For the purchase.of school building and playground sites as follows: For the purchase of land in the vicinity of the recreation center at Nichols Avenue and Sumner Road Southeast, for the construction of an elementary school building of sixteen or more rooms, including an assembly hall-gymnasium, to replace the present Birney School; For the purchase of a site for a sixteen-room elementary school building, including an assembly hall-gymnasium, in the vicinity of Kenilworth Avenue and Barnes Lane Northeast; For the purchase of a site for junior high school purposes in the vicinity of Thirty-fourth Street and Minnesota Avenue Southeast; For the purchase of a site for a sixteen-room elementary school building, including an assembly hall-gymnasium, in the vicinity of Stanton Road and Bruce Place Southeast; For the purchase of a site for a junior high school in the vicinity of Ninth and C Streets Southeast, to replace the Hine Junior High School; For the purchase of a site for a sixteen-room addition to the New Logan School, including an assembly hall-gymnasium, to replace the Old Logan School and to provide additional facilities needed; For the purchase of a site for a sixteen-room elementary school building in the vicinity of the Seaton School, to replace the Gales and Seaton Schools; For the purchase of additional land for an addition to the Arm- strong High School; In all, for sites, $503,000, to remain available until expended. Notwithstanding the provision that no part of any appropriation sPr^er uchoof. contained in this Act shall be expended for printing or binding a .3 7.