Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 57 Part 1.djvu/342

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57 STAT.] 78TH CONG., 1ST SESS. -CH. 184 --JULY 1, 1943 COURTS JUVENILE COUIT Salaries: For personal services, $121,595. Miscellaneous: For compensation of jurors, $2,000. For stationery, books of reference, periodicals, typewriters and repairs thereto, preservation of records, telephone service, traveling expenses, meals of jurors and prisoners, furniture, fixtures, and equip- ment, and other incidental expenses not otherwise provided for, $4,575. The Board of Commissioners of the District of Columbia is author- ized to obtain psychiatric service for the Juvenile Court of the Dis- trict of Columbia from the United States Public Health Service, and, at the request of the Board of Commissioners, the Surgeon General is authorized to detail the necessary medical and other personnel, not to exceed one psychiatrist, one psychologist, and one nurse, for this purpose. The disbursing officer of the District of Columbia is authorized to advance to the chief probation officer of the juvenile court upon requisition previously approved by the judge of the juvenile court and the Auditor of the District of Columbia, sums of money not to exceed $50 at any one time, to be expended for transportation and traveling expenses to secure the return of absconding probationers, and to be accounted for monthly on itemized vouchers to the account- ing officer of the District of Columbia. THE MUNICIPAL COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA 329 Psychiatric service. Return of abscond- ing probationers. Salaries: For personal services, $237,610. Pod p ' 619. For witness fees and compensation of jurors, $52,500: Provided, ,t Sis forury That deposits made on demands for jury trials in accordance with rules prescribed by the court under authority granted in section 11 of the Act approved March 3, 1921 (41 Stat. 1312), shall be earned D.C. code 11-722 . unless, prior to three days before the time set for such trials, includ- ing Sundays and legal holidays, a new date for trial be set by the court, cases be discontinued or settled, or demands for jury trials be waived. Expenses: For all necessary expenses, other than salaries and fees and printing and binding, including lawbooks, books of reference,- periodicals, rebinding of books, medicines, lodging, and meals for jurors and for bailiffs and deputy United States marshals while in attendance upon jurors, when ordered by the court, $10,707. THE MUNICIPAL COURT OF APPEALS FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Salaries and expenses: For personal services and all necessary expenses, other than printing and binding, including lawbooks, books of reference, and periodicals, of the Municipal Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia, created by the Act of April 1, 1942, $54,443. PROBATION SYSTEM Salaries and expenses: For personal services, $29,680; contingent expenses, $1,500; in all, $31,180. PUBLIC WELFARE BOARD OF PUBLIC WL1FAMI For personal services, and including not to exceed $6,000 for con- tinuing contract investigational service, $203,280. 56 Stat. 194. D. C . Code, Supp. II, i§ 11-771 to 11-777 .