Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 57 Part 1.djvu/345

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 184-JULY 1, 1943 Post, p. 569. Nonuse of funds for white inmates. Acquisition of site in Maryland. Temporary build- ings. of said superintendent, sums of money not exceeding $500 at one time. to be used only for expenses in returning escaped prisoners, conditional releases, and parolees, payable from the appropriation, "Support of convicts", all such expenditures to be accounted for to the accounting officers of the District of Columbia within one month on itemized vouchers properly approved. NATIONAL TRAINING SCHOOL FOR BOYS For care and maintenance of boys committed to the National Train- ing School for Boys by the courts of the District of Columbia under a contract to be made by the Board of Public Welfare with the Attorney General at a rate of not to exceed $2 per day for each boy so committed, $91,310. NATIONAL TRAINING SCHOOL FOR GRILS National Training School for Girls: For personal services, groceries, provisions, light, fuel, clothing, shoes, including subsistence of internes; forage and farm supplies; medicine and medical service (including not to exceed $2,000 for medical care and not to exceed $600 for dental care); transportation; maintenance of non-passenger-carrying vehicles; equipment, fixtures, books, magazines, and other educational supplies; recreational equipment and supplies, including rental of motion-picture films; stationery; postage; repairs; and other neces- sary items, including expenses incident to securing suitable homes for paroled or discharged girls, $42,750, of which sum not to exceed $22,300 may be expended for personal services: Provided, That no part of the funds herein appropriated for the National Training School for Girls shall be used for white inmates. For the acquisition of a site in Maryland for the National Train- ing School for Girls, including the preparation of plans for per- manent buildings and traveling expenses, $42,000: Provided, That title to said property shall be taken directly to and in the name of the United States, and in case a satisfactory price cannot be agreed upon for the purchase of said property, the Attorney Gen- eral of the United States, at the request of the Commissioners of the District of Columbia, shall institute condemnation proceedings to acquire such property as may be selected in accordance with the laws of the State of Maryland, and expenses of procuring evidences of title or of condemnation, or both, shall be paid out of said appropriation. For the construction of temporary buildings for the National Training School for Girls on a new site to be acquired in Maryland, including furniture and equipment, $40,000. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA TRAINING SCHOOL For personal services, including not to exceed $500 for compensa- tion of consulting physicians at rates to be fixed by the Commis- sioners and not to exceed $2.500 for temporary labor, $213,517. For maintenance, including subsistence of internes and other nec- essary expenses, including the maintenance of non-passenger-carry- ing motor vehicles, the purchase and maintenance of horses and wagons, farm machinery and implements, and not to exceed $500 for the purchase of books, books of reference, and periodicals, $154,100. For repairs and improvements to buildings and grounds, $10,000. For a new deep well, water treatment, and extension of water sup- ply line, $20,000, together with the appropriation of $8,000 for the 332 [ 57 STAT.