Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 57 Part 1.djvu/388

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57 STAT.] 78TH CONG., 1 8T SESS.-CH. 190-JULY 6, 1943 shall provide for administration by such State blind commission or other State agency of the part of the plan under which voca- tional rehabilitation is provided the blind: Provided,That in any State which by law has established a rehabilitation commission prior to the date of enactment of this Act, with authority to pro- vide rehabilitation services to disabled individuals, the State board may delegate to such commission all or any part of the operation of the State plan, under a written agreement of coop- eration approved by the Administrator; "(2) provide that the State treasurer (or, if there be no State treasurer, the officer exercising similar functions for the State) be appointed as custodian of funds received under this Act from the Federal Government and receive and provide for the proper custody of such funds; "(3) show the plan, policies, and methods to be followed in carrying out the work under the State plan and in its administra- tion and supervision; "(4) provide that vocational rehabilitation under the plan shall be made available only to classes of employable individuals defined by the Administrator; "(5) contain such provisions as to the qualification of person- nel for appointment in administering the plan as are necessary to the establishment and maintenance of personnel standards; the duty of the Administrator in approving a plan shall be solely the determination of whether the plan contains such provisions, but the Administrator shall exercise no authority with respect to the selection, method of selection, tenure of office, or compensation of anyr individual employed in accordance with such provisions; (6) provide such methods of administration, other than estab- lishment and maintenance of personnel standards, as are found by the Administrator to be necessary for the proper and efficient administration of the plan; "(7) provide that the State board will make such reports, in such form and containing such information, as the Administrator may from time to time require, and comply with such provisions as he may from time to time find necessary to assure the correct- ness and verification of such reports; "(8) provide that no portion of any money paid to the State under this Act shall be applied, directly or indirectly, to the pur- chase, preservation, erection, or repair of any building or build- ings, or for the purchase or rental of any land for administrative purposes; a(9) provide such rules, regulations, and standards with respect to expenditures upon which Federal grants are made avail- able under section 3 (a) as the Administrator may find reasonable and necessary, including (A) provisions designed to secure good conduct, regular attendance, and cooperation of trainees and reduction of allowance in the case of on-the-job training; (B) maximum fees which may be paid for training and maximum duration of training; (C) maximum schedules of fees for surgery, therapeutic treatment, hospitalization, and medical examination, and for prosthetic devices; and (D) maximum rates of compensa- tion of personnel; and "(10) provide that vocational rehabilitation provided under the State plan shall be available, under such rules and regulations as the Administrator shall prescribe, to any civil employee of the United States disabled while in the performance of his duty and to any war disabled civilian (as def inedsection 10). 375 Operation by reha- bilitation commission. State treasurer as custodian of Federal funds. Policies, etc., under State plan. Limitation. Qualication of per sonnel. Administrative methods. Reports Purohase, etc., of buildings and land. Rules, regulatikon and standards. Civfl employees of U.S. and wardisbled civilians. PA, p. 3.